Global and tectonic shifts in the world economy that have occurred in the 21st century in the world are inevitably reflected in the state of national economies. The Russian economy, over a decade of economic sanctions against it, practically of an open nature of sabotage by the United States and a number of Western countries against Russian critical infrastructure — the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on September 26, 2022, found itself in a situation of de facto complete stop of export-import operations in the field of foreign trade activities with European countries. As a result of the start of Russia’s special military operation (SVO) in Ukraine, the logistics supply chains to the Russian Federation have radically transformed, and new supply logistics are being developed within the framework of the so-called «parallel» imports. The problems that arose with the supply of raw materials, materials and components affected the fall in the industrial production index in a number of Russian regions as of the end of 2022. However, the well-balanced and consistent economic policy of the Russian government has intensified the activities of industrial enterprises to produce products to achieve the goals of the Northern Military District, where positive production dynamics are already noted in 2023. The named factors that determine the state of the Russian economy in the near future determine the need to overcome the conservative natural resource model of economic development and transition to a resource-innovative strategy of economic growth. The purpose of the study is to study the institutional foundations for the formation of a resource-innovative model of economic growth in the modern Russian economy. The objectives of the study are interconnected and consist of the following: to analyze an array of economic scientific works on the research problem in order to demonstrate the evolution of views on the role of the natural resource factor in the development of national economies; analyze the institutional foundations for the formation of a resource-innovation model of development of the Russian economy, etc. The research methodology is a combination of general scientific research methods — analysis, synthesis of information obtained, interpretation of data. The information base for the research is presidential decrees, strategic planning documents, national projects, scientific articles by Russian researchers on the problem under study.