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УДК: 32 DOI:10.33920/pol-01-2401-03

Naval policy of the Russian Federation: national security issues

Mikhail Mikhailovich Shnyptev Applicant, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Russia, St. Petersburg, Karl Marx, 70, Е-mail: fugas1623@yandex.ru

The relevance of the research topic is due to the need to comprehend the problems of naval policy in order to solve them within the framework of the implementation of the goals of strategic planning of maritime activities of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. The purpose of the study is a political analysis of the current problems of Russia’s naval policy, the solution of which is necessary to achieve the goals of strategic planning for the period up to 2030 in the field of maritime activities. The objectives of the study were: 1) political analysis of the latest documents of the state policy in the field of maritime activity of Russia in order to identify the most significant problems that require prompt resolution; 2) content analysis of certain provisions of the Strategy for the Development of Maritime Activities in the Russian Federation adopted until 2030; 3) analysis of the research directions of the naval policy of Russia by Russian scientists; 4) development of recommendations on possible solutions to problems of a political and legal nature that contribute to improving the effectiveness of further implementation of Russia’s naval policy for the strategic period up to 2030. The methodology of scientific research is based on the use of methods of political science and content analysis of strategic documents that determine the vector of development of modern Russian naval policy for the next decade. The research uses methods of political science and jurisprudence (in particular, legal analysis). The author substantiates the most pressing problems of Russia’s naval policy, the solution of which directly affects the results of strategic planning of maritime activities in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. The analysis of the positions of Russian scientists and practitioners on the problem of research is carried out. The study made it possible to formulate the necessary recommendations regarding the solution of the problems of incompleteness of international legal regulation of the maritime borders of Russia with certain neighboring states as the main problems of the implementation of modern naval policy of the Russian Federation.


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The article was received on 04.12.2023.

Статья поступила 04.12.2023.

The goals and objectives of the formation and implementation of naval policy in the modern history of Russia are reflected in a number of state doctrines, strategies and programs. It is important for their implementation to identify problems, the solution of which will determine the effectiveness of the state’s naval policy in the medium and strategic term.

The study uses general scientific methods of research — analysis and synthesis of information with the inclusion of methods of political analysis.

In Russian political science, the study of issues and problems of naval policy, mainly, in our opinion, taking into account open access publications, has been and continues to be in the plane of several main directions.

Firstly, it is, of course, a problem related to Russia’s national interests in the oceans, doctrinal, programmatic and regulatory aspects of the development of naval policy at the present stage. In particular, these are scientific articles by V.V. Chirkov [19], A. Popov [14], V.V. Kruglov, M.A. Lopatin [11], A.I. Ismailov, A.A. Lobanov, A.N. Popov, V.V. Puchnin [15].

Secondly, it is the activation of the so-called «Arctic research», where the works of: E.V. Bey, M. I., Bezborodova, S.A. Bokeria, E.A. Kerner, D.A. Kuznetsova, V.P. Zhuravel, I.A. Kononovich should be noted [1–3, 6, 9].

K.P. Kurylev, N.P. Parkhitko, M.A. Nikulin [12], A.V. Semenov, S.S. Zhiltsov, I.S. Sonn, A.G. Kostyanoi [17], O.A. Khlopov [18] also devoted their works to the naval policy of Russia in the Arctic.

In the last few years, the Russian Federation has adopted several doctrinal and strategic documents important for maritime policy. The adoption of these documents was not only a logical continuation of previous similar programs of a state nature, but also the transition from 2015 to the rails of strategic planning within the framework of public policy formation with modern tools and mechanisms corresponding to the current state of technology development and methodological support.

Для Цитирования:
Mikhail Mikhailovich Shnyptev, Naval policy of the Russian Federation: national security issues. Социальная политика и социальное партнерство. 2024;1.
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