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Land Management, Monitoring and Cadastre

Journal "Land Management, Monitoring and Cadastre"

Printed issue: ISSN 2074-7977

Online issue: ISSN 2713-2676

Publication language: Russian, English

Published since 2006

Published on a monthly basis

Printed version is distributed through subscription catalogs and via digital subscription

Online HTML version is distributed on our website - create your personal account to simplify the subscription process and get profitable offers

The scientific and practical journal "Land Management, Monitoring and Cadastre" is aimed at a professional audience: leaders and employees of land committees; heads of local authority bodies; owners of enterprises or leaseholders, construction and design and survey providers, specialists in legal services, real estate registrars, cadastral engineers, researchers, teachers and students of specialized universities, as well as companies engaged in supplying land organisation equipment and providing geodetic surveying.


© Publishing House “Panorama”

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