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The World Economics

Journal "The World Economics"

Printed issue: ISSN 2074-6040

Online issue: ISSN 2713-2684

Publication language: Russian, English

Published since 2004

Published on a monthly basis

Printed version is distributed through subscription catalogs and via digital subscription

Online HTML version is distributed on our website - create your personal account to simplify the subscription process and get profitable offers

Scientific and practical journal analyzes world economic problems and trends of the world economics, covers strategies for the development of state economic systems, integration and global processes, anti-crisis practices of states and companies.

It is published under the auspices of the Market Economy Institute, in collaboration with Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the RAS (IMEMO), Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the RAS, Institute of Europe of the RAS, Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the RAS, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russian Foreign Trade Academy (RFTA), Higher School of Economics (HSE), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI of the RF).

The best Russian and foreign academic economists analyze anti-crisis practices, experience in innovative development and increasing the competitiveness of states and companies.

The theoretical materials of outstanding scientists and the development of successful economists-practitioners really help business people to navigate the world economic environment as adequately as possible and make the right decisions.


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