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Accounting in Agriculture

Journal "Accounting in Agriculture"

Printed issue: ISSN 2075-0250

Online issue: ISSN 2687-167X

Publication language: Russian, English

Published since 2003

Published on a monthly basis

Printed version is distributed through subscription catalogs and via digital subscription

Online HTML version is distributed on our website - create your personal account to simplify the subscription process and get profitable offers

The scientific and practical journal is a leader in the Russian business media market that helps readers to keep abreast in scientific developments in the field of accounting, internal control and taxation of agricultural organizations. The pages of the journal reflect practical advice on various aspects of keeping records and taxation of the facts of economic life in agricultural production. Issues of preparation and analysis of financial statements, audit are studied, practical comments are given to industry documents, orders of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. A lot of attention is paid to reducing the tax burden, accounting and use of state subsidies.