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Accounting in Building Organisations

Journal "Accounting in Building Organisations"

The journal “Accounting in Building Organizations” was founded in 2002 and now it is a periodical included in the updated List of Leading Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journals and Publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, where the main scientific results of dissertations for scientific degrees are published.

The purpose of the journal is to create a widely accessible information field that provides effective communication between authors and readers to meet information needs and achieve maximum effectiveness of the latter in their professional activities.

Objectives of the journal are:

  • to highlight and attract the attention of the scientific and business community to the most relevant and promising areas of research on the remit of the journal;
  • to improve the level and quality of information exchange between specialists from various regions of the Russian Federation, countries of near and far abroad;
  • to assist in improving the quality of scientific articles submitted to the editorial board
  • to expand the ability to spread and index published scientific works in various key foreign citation databases.

The pages of the journal reflect the results of scientific research, the methodology and practice of accounting of various accounting items and business transactions related to the specifics of the activities of building organizations, the subject of which is industrial and civil building construction. Such a symbiosis of practice and science will allow practitioners to use the best scientific research in the field of business, management and tax accounting of the construction business in practical activities.

Title of section of the peer-reviewed scientific publication

1. Accounting and Financial Statements

2. Taxation

3. Management Accounting

4. Regulatory and Organizational Support of Economic Activity

Sciences and scientific categories in accordance with the Nomenclature of Scientific Categories, by which academic degrees are granted

Field of Science:

5. Social and Human Sciences

Group of scientific categories:

5.2 Economics

Scientific categories by which academic degrees are granted: economic

Scientific category code:

5.2.3 – Regional and Sector-Specific Economics

Lines of research (specialization)

10. Accounting, Audit and Economic Statistics

12. Economic Security

Only the results of original research by specialists are accepted for publication. Manuscripts are carefully selected and reviewed.

Electronic versions of the journal are available on the journal’s website and are available for purchase.

ISSN (International Standardized Serial Number) - ISSN 2075-0242 (Print).

Publication languages: Russian, English.

Periodicity – the journal is published on a bimonthly basis (6 issues per year). Number of pages - 60-80 pages.

How to subscribe to our journal:

1. On our website:

2. Via our editorial office calling +7 (495) 274-2222 (multichannel) or sending a free-form application to the email

3. Through the official catalogue “Subscriptions” of the Russian Post (subscription index — П7316).

4. Through the “Catalogue of Periodicals. Newspapers and Journals” of the Ural-Press agency (half year subscription index — 82773).


Limited Liability Company Publishing House "PANORAMA". 119602, Moscow, Akademika Anohina street, house 34, bldg 2