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УДК: 637.146.4 DOI:10.33920/igt-01-2012-09

Use of whey in school meals

N.M. Podgornova PhD in Technical Science, Professor, S.M. Petrov, PhD in Technical Science, Professor
K.G. Razumovskii Moscow State University of Technologies and Management (FCU)

The article presents an assessment of the prospects of whey protein in school nutrition, which has unique characteristics. Unlike vegetable protein, it is a full-value protein with a high degree of hy-dration, which allows it to be used for rapid intake into the body. Since whey proteins are better absorbed than casein, they are used for purposes such as the production of infant formula, to in-crease the nutritional value of dairy and other foods. A method for obtaining whey proteins by cross flow ultrafiltration through ceramic tubular membranes is considered. To eliminate the problems of contamination of ceramic tubular membranes, an automated system has been developed. This system provides for their regeneration in the continuous operation of the ultrafiltration unit.


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3. Khezri, Sima & Mehdi, Mir & Hasanpour, Iraj & Dastras, Mehdi & Dehghan, Parvin. (2016). Whey: Characteristics, Applications and Health Aspects.

4. Austin J Nutri Food Sci. 2014; 2(7): 1036. Possibilities of Whey Utilisation. Rajka Božanic,Irena Barukcic, Katarina Lisak, Jakopovic and Ljubica Tratnik.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, only 2.8% of school gradu-ates can now be considered absolutely healthy.

The reason for this is that the current structure of the actual diet of Russians, including schoolchildren, does not correspond to the physiological needs of the body.

Schools represent a vital environment, that can be used to influence the process of proper nu-trition and form the correct skills and stereotypes of nutrition in schoolchildren [1].

Due to the high intensity of metabolic processes, children have an increased basal metabolism that exceeds a basal metabolism of an adult by 1.5-2 times. In addition to the increased basal metabolism, children, according to Sherman, have increased total energy costs, which are shown in Table 1.

Increased basal metabolism and increased energy costs in children make it necessary to pay special attention to a sufficiently high level of protein and caloric content in the development of food diets.

For physiological nutritional norms of children, see Table 2. The ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the children's diet should be 1:1:3 at a younger age and 1:1:4 at an older age. For the nutrition of schoolchildren, it is important to observe the recommended norms of the physiological needs of the body in nutrients and energy. However, the existing nutritional system for schoolchildren should be based on the developed and recognized scientific foundations and re-quirements of nutritional science.

Rational nutrition is an important factor in the prevention of alimentary-dependent diseases of schoolchildren, contributing to the preservation of health and high performance.

Currently, there is increasing attention to the production of food that not only meets the en-ergy and nutritional needs of a person, but also has biological and physiological value, has therapeu-tic and preventive properties.

Proteins are one of the essential nutrients in the diet. The amino acid balance of food must be built in accordance with the needs of the body [2].

Для Цитирования:
N.M. Podgornova, K.G. Razumovskii, Use of whey in school meals. Товаровед продовольственных товаров. 2020;12.
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