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УДК: 304.42 DOI:10.33920/nik-01-2009-06

The concept of “culture” in the laws of foreign countries

Ponkin Igor Vladislavovich Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education (FSBEI of Higher Education) “Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.” 2, prosp. Vernadskogo, Moscow, 119571, Russia. Email: i@lenta.ru

The article includes a review and study of the experience of the consolidating definitions and interpretations of the term “culture” in the laws of foreign countries. It examines the normative legal regulations of 8 countries (Australia, Canada, Colombia, Korea, Malta, USA, Switzerland, Japan). The author draws attention to the fact that the absence of a legal definition of the term “culture” in the legislation of the Russian Federation leads to significant state administration defects in Russia’s cultural sphere.


1. Ponkin I.V. Deviantologiya gosudarstvennogo upravleniya: Uchebnik [Study of Public Administration Deviance: Textbook]. Moscow: INFRA-M, 2019, 301 p.

2. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations: Fifth edition. Edited by Elizabeth Knowles. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001, xv, 1136 p.

3. Loi de la République et canton de Genève du 16 mai 2013 sur la culture [Law of the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland) of May 16, 2013 “On Culture”]. Available at https://www. ge.ch/legislation/rsg/f/s/rsg_C3_05.html (in French)

4. Loi du Canton de Vaud sur la vie culturelle et la création artistique (LVCA) du 8 avril 2014, 446.11 / Adopté le 08.04.2014, entrée en vigueur le 01.05.2015 [Law of the Canton of Vaud (Switzerland) of April 08, 2014 “On Cultural Life and the Creation of Works of Art”]. Available at https://www.vd.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/organisation/dfj/serac/Vaudculture/ LVCA.pdf (in French)

5. Loi du canton du Valais du 15.11.1996 (état 01.01.2019) sur la promotion de la culture [Law of the Canton of Valais (Switzerland) of November 15, 1996 (Rev. of January 01, 2019) “On Promoting a Culture”]. Available at https://www.bibliovalais.ch/data/documents/19961115_ loi_promotionculturevs.pdf (in French); https://lex.vs.ch/app/fr/texts_of_law/440.1 (in French)

6. Loi du canton de Berne sur l'encouragement des activités culturelles (LEAC) du 12.06.2012 (état au 01.01.2013) [Law of the Canton of Bern (Switzerland) of (Rev. of January 01, 2013) “On Promoting Activities in the Field of Culture”]. Available at http://www.lexfind. ch/dtah/130558/3/423.11.pdf (in French)

7. Loi du Québec sur le patrimoine culturel; chapitre P-9.002 / À jour au 1er octobre 2019. Available at http://legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/ShowDoc/cs/P-9.002 (in French); http:// legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/pdf/cs/P-9.002.pdf (in French)

8. Ley No. 397 de 07.08.1997 [Law of Colombia of August 07, 1997, No. 397 (Rev. of November 22, 2019) “On Culture”]. Diario Oficial, 07.08.1997, No. 43102. Última actualización – 22.11.2019. Available at http://www.secretariasenado.gov.co/senado/basedoc/ley_0397_1997. html

9. Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 of Australia. Available at https:// www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2016C01056

10. 中华人民共和国文物保护法. Available at http://www.npc.gov.cn/wxzl/ gongbao/2015-08/10/content_1942927.htm (in Chinese); 《中华人民共和国文物保护法》 修订前后对照表. Available at http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2015-12/28/5028604/files/286fa8 a08c4f4604b9eae0c2317981fb.doc (in Chinese)

11. Cultural Heritage Act of Malta № VI of 2002. Available at http://www.justiceservices. gov.mt/DownloadDocument.aspx?app=lom&itemid=8911&l=1

12. 문화재보호법. Available at http://www.law.go.kr/%EB%B2%95%EB%A0%B9/%EB %AC%B8%ED%99%94%EC%9E%AC%EB%B3%B4%ED%98%B8%EB%B2%95 (in Korean); Cultural Heritage Protection Act of Republic of Korea Available at https://wipolex.wipo.int/ en/text/284720

13. U.S. Code. Available at https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text; https://www.law. cornell.edu/uscode/text/20/4402

14. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. Available at https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/ text; https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/19/12.104

15. UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property / Adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization in 1970. Available at http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1900836 (in Russian); https://en.unesco.org/ fighttrafficking/1970

16. 文化財保護法 (昭和二十五年法律第二百十四号). Available at https://elaws.egov.go.jp/search/elawsSearch/elaws_search/lsg0500/detail?lawId=325AC1000000214 (in Japanese); Law of Japan for the Protection of Cultural Property № 214 of 1950. Available at https://en.unesco.org/sites/default/files/japan_law_protectionproperty_entno.pdf

Received March 14, 2020

The concept of “culture” is one of the most complex and ambiguous in its explicit content, contextual, connotative, discursive meaning in cultural studies and law and public administration.

The Law of Russia No. 3612-I of October 09, 1992 (Rev. of July 18, 2019) “Fundamentals of the Legislation of Russian Federation on Culture” does not contain the legal definition of the concept of “culture.” The meaning of the idea of “culture” represented in the principles of state cultural policy, approved by the Decree of the President of Russia No. 808 of December 24, 2014, omits several critical significant elements of its structure and content indifferent to the protection of national interests of Russia in the field of culture.

The Russian legislator is often criticized for some attributed archaism of thinking and isolation from “progressive world legislative approaches.” Therefore, it is reasonable to look at foreign laws in culture and give reference examples from foreign laws. Moreover, the presence of such definitions a priori reduces the need to discuss with cultural scientists and cultural figures the issue of the alleged impossibility to develop and legally consolidate a legal description of the concept of “culture” in the law.

Whether such a definition will be fixed is another question. Still, it is necessary to discuss the legal uncertainty of the concept in question, especially in Russia’s bad state governance in the field of culture today1.

As Samuel Johnson said, “Dictionaries are like clocks, the worst of them is better than nothing, and you can’t expect the best of them to be quite accurate.”2

We have studied the normative legal regulations of 8 foreign countries (Australia, Canada, Colombia, Korea, Malta, USA, Switzerland, Japan).

The meaning of the idea of “culture” is represented in many normative legal regulations of foreign countries directly in various modalities. In some cases, this is done no straight (by consolidating the definition) but in a form that requires a systematic interpretation of a set of legal norms to reveal the traditional meaning of this concept, understanding the named concept logically or complexly follows from the sense of these acts’ standards.

Для Цитирования:
Ponkin Igor Vladislavovich, The concept of “culture” in the laws of foreign countries. Вопросы культурологии. 2020;9.
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