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УДК: 338.42 DOI:10.33920/pro-3-2106-01

Strategic planning as a mechanism for reducing uncertainty in enterprise economic activities

Bukhalkov M.I. honored scientist of the Russian Federation, PhD in Economics, professor, FSBEI HE Samara State Technical University
Kuzmin M.A. PhD Candidate in Economics, executive director, OOO (LLC) S-Med Group of Companies, FSBEI HE Samara State Technical University
Safronov E.G. associate professor of the Department of Industrial Economics and Production Management, PhD Candidate in Economics, FSBEI HE Samara State Technical University

The paper reveals the economic essence of "uncertainty" and proposes a mechanism for reducing uncertainty in the activities of industrial enterprises.


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Planning, organization and management of production activities are developing at our enterprises under market relations that nowadays make all manufacturers and entrepreneurs focus on obtaining high economic results. Any economic activity should be aimed not only at ensuring the production of competitive products both in domestic and foreign markets but also contribute to achieving full employment of available limited resources, equal distribution of total income and fundamental increase in resulting labour productivity and quality of life of all employees regarding market uncertainty.

The paper was one of the first attempts to reveal the complex essence of economic uncertainty and identify its impact on the final results of production, commercial, social, and economic activities of enterprises in the region. The research ended up with a system of organizational and administrative mechanisms, planning and economic standards, and indicators uncertainty decline and increase of the efficiency of using production resources at enterprises, primarily in terms of labour and capital.

The proposed system for reducing uncertainty in the economic activities of enterprises is aimed at the best objectivation of such types, volumes, timing and other indicators of goods production and sale, work performance and provision of services, which can bring the greatest income when used properly under market conditions. Consequently, we can offer the following two important economic methods for maximizing income for enterprises: reducing the consumption of resources used and the increment of capital used. Under the first method, manufacturers focus on planning cost reduction, under the second one – on improving the efficiency of production results.

At all stages of human society development, economic activities have been constantly accompanied by a high degree of uncertainty in goods production, service provision and distribution of the general results of collective labour, not often carried out by the owners according to the vital forces expended by hired workers and received material benefits.

Для Цитирования:
Bukhalkov M.I., Kuzmin M.A., Safronov E.G., Strategic planning as a mechanism for reducing uncertainty in enterprise economic activities. Нормирование и оплата труда в промышленности. 2021;6.
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