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УДК: 364.4 DOI:10.33920/pol-01-2111-04

Social work as a phenomenon of the modern world and its impact on the processes of social development

Kudryavtseva Mariya Viktorovna FSBEI HE St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design apt. 11, 33 Baskov per., Saint Petersburg, 191014, Russia, tel. 8-911-183-44-64, E-mail: mari_kuvi@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0003-3824-5620

The article presents some trends characteristic of the current stage of social and economic development. The role of integration of innovative technologies and digitalization of various spheres of society is emphasized, as well as some tasks and problems associated with these processes are identified. The concept of social development is considered, as well as the possibility of the influence of social work as a specific professional activity on the processes of social development. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of social development is largely determined by the quality of human capital. The article reveals the essence of social work as a phenomenon of the modern world, and also identifies its tasks as a tool for effective social development.


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The current stage of social and economic development is characterized by deep transformation and intensification of digitalization processes in all spheres of public life. The new time sets new tasks for the human, society and the state from the point of effective social development.

The vector of the country's social development, its pace and efficiency are influenced by many factors, including economic, technological, scientific, cultural factors, the level of welfare of society, the quality of life of the population, etc. According to domestic researchers, the concept of social development is increasingly beginning to assert itself from the standpoint of enhancement of development opportunities and meeting the diverse subjective and objective needs of a human and various groups of the population, and also involves the development of people themselves [1]. Accordingly, the success of the social development of society is largely determined by the quality of human capital, namely the quality of the rising and younger generation, its potential and level of development.

In the context of the formation of a new social and cultural space, in the context of digitalization processes, the tasks of improving the quality of the rising and younger generation and minimizing the risks caused by the new scientific and technological reality arise.

Today, information technologies have an increasing influence on the processes of socialization and the formation of the rising and younger generation. The development of young people's self-awareness, the formation of their value orientations, needs and interests, the development of the individual as a whole in the current reality of the 21st century are determined not only by traditional social institutions such as family and education but also depend on the impact of the media, the Internet, virtual reality, cyberspace, social networks and other modern technologies.

In the conditions of the new reality, such a social phenomenon as cyber socialization is rapidly developing, the main object of which is teenagers and young people as the most active category of the population in terms of mastering virtual reality and information and communication technologies. As the analysis of scientific literature has shown, cyber socialization is «a process of qualitative changes in the structure of the self-consciousness of the individual and the motivational-need sphere of the individual, occurring under the influence and as a result of the use by humans of modern information and communication, computer, electronic, digital, multimedia, mobile cellular communications and the Internet technologies in the context of assimilation and reproduction of culture by them within the framework of personal life» [2, p. 6].

Для Цитирования:
Kudryavtseva Mariya Viktorovna, Social work as a phenomenon of the modern world and its impact on the processes of social development. Социальная политика и социальное партнерство. 2021;11.
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