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УДК: 349. 22 DOI:10.33920/pol-2-2110-02

Religious stereotypes in labour relations

Irina Vladimirovna Pogodina Vladimir State University named after Aleksandr and Nikolai Stoletovy (Vladimir State University) 87, Gorkogo Str., Vladimir, 600000, E-mail: irinapogodina@mail.ru
Kulakova Olga Sergeevna Vladimir State University named after Aleksandr and Nikolai Stoletovy (Vladimir State University) 87, Gorkogo Str., Vladimir, 600000, E-mail: okulakova19@mail.ru

Religious attitudes influence labour relations. Believers' spiritual beliefs can limit a person's behaviour to some extent. Respect for the principle of freedom of conscience and religion predetermines the need to account for the religious views of people involved in labour relations. In this regard, the article discusses the impact of religious beliefs on the work performance of a person living in a secular state. The authors discuss the issue of discrimination against employees based on religion in hiring, and the need to give employees the right to express their religious affiliation in the workplace.


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*The research was supported by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project No. 21-011-44195.

For the human being today, labour is a way of satisfying social needs in communication, in the development of individual abilities, in self-realization.

Studies on employment show that the transformation of social relations and technological advances are affecting the length of working hours. Thus, according to statistical data obtained by the Russian Public Opinion Research Centre, more than 49% of Russian residents work more than the statutory 40-hour week [1]. At the same time, a study conducted by the Higher School of Economics reveals a growing trend of non-standardized work schedules.

According to the results, more than 60% of workers perform their work duties at weekends, 51% - in the evening and night [2]. Thus, today, work is one of the main human activities, and we spend more time in the performance of work duties than we do with our families.

Workers unwittingly bring their spiritual values into the labour relations as well. One of them is religion, which acts as the foundation of individual self-consciousness and a behavioural guide to the individual [3]. Religious norms are the rules of conduct mandatory for the followers of religion, which establish the order of interaction of subjects within the framework of public relations arising within confessional associations.

The influence of religious norms on labour relations is explored by both Russian and foreign authors. For example, there has been a discussion of this topic by scholars such as L. Vickers, R. Trigg, A. Bradney, D. Vovk, A. Bradney, Sir T. Etherton, et al. In Russia, issues of mutual influence of religious attitudes and norms of labour law were considered by K. Russel, A. Aghajanian, F.K. Nogaylieva, D.V. Bondaryuk, A.O. Mironova, et al.

Religious norms as a means of regulating relations affect all spheres of human life, including labour. So, in the Christian tradition, the mode of working time during the week was determined by the Orthodox calendar "Svyattsy" [4]. With the development of society, religion lost its position as the main regulator of people's behaviour in society, giving way to legal norms [5]. At the same time, it would be unfair to claim that religious norms do not affect at all human behaviour. With the transition from a clerical to a secular state policy, a population that traditionally follows a particular confession does not lose centuries of values [6]. A study conducted by the Pew Research Centre shows that in Russia, more than 71% of the population classify themselves as religious people [7]. At the same time, the multi-ethnicity of the peoples of Russia historically predetermines religious diversity [8].

Для Цитирования:
Irina Vladimirovna Pogodina, Kulakova Olga Sergeevna, Religious stereotypes in labour relations. Вопросы трудового права. 2021;10.
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