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УДК: 331 DOI:10.33920/pro-3-2107-01

Principles and methods of high-performance work and production organization at machine

Bukhalkov M.I. honored scientist of the Russian Federation, PhD in Economics, professor, Samara, E-mail:buhalckov@yandex.ru
Kuzmin M.A. executive director of OOO (LLC) Group of Companies "Mikron", PhD Candidate in Economics, E-mail:maksim-735@yandex.ru

The scientific principles and methods of effective organization of personnel labour and lean production at the enterprises of the machine-building complex are revealed.


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Management of personnel labour, production, the performance of work and provision of services can be considered from scientific and practical positions as economically effective only with high quality and minimal cost of resources per unit of produced market goods. Therefore, any effective or rational arrangement of labour and production processes at modern machinebuilding enterprises should assume compliance with the following fundamental scientific requirements:

• strict division of labour between separate subdivisions of the enterprise and all employees on the basis of their subject or technological specialization;

• correct placement and use of technological equipment to the fullest extent possible at each specialized site, efficient placement of workers and specialists, distribution of work performed among them, ensuring fair pay and provision incentives to personnel, timely servicing of workplaces with everything necessary for organizing high-performance and high-quality work;

• the fastest transfer of objects of labour after their processing in the production process, any possible reduction of routes, the use of progressive vehicles, scientific rationing of workers' labour, correct operational spatial and time planning of production, ensuring the coordinated work of individual workplaces and the entire enterprise.

The effective organization of labour and production processes at each enterprise should ensure that the results exceed production costs, the timely and complete satisfaction of the market demand for the manufactured products, the achievement of the quality level required by the customer, the rational use of all economic resources, the continuous development and improvement of technology and production technology and systematic growth in productivity and wages. The implementation of these requirements determines the need for extensive use of scientific principles of lean production processes organized at machine-building enterprises.

Для Цитирования:
Bukhalkov M.I., Kuzmin M.A., Principles and methods of high-performance work and production organization at machine . Нормирование и оплата труда в промышленности. 2021;7.
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