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УДК: 316. 346. 2 DOI:10.33920/pol-01-2301-05

Правовые механизмы обеспечения гендерного равенства в новом Узбекистане

Мухаммадюнусова Мохистара Мухаммадилхом кизи докторант, Академия государственного управления при Президенте Республики Узбекистан, Узбекистан, 100066

В данной статье анализируются особенности гендерной политики в новом Узбекистане и прогресс, достигнутый в сфере гендерного равенства за последние 6 лет. Подробно объясняются законы, принятые для поддержки женщин и девочек, и их важность. Объясняется важность проводимой в нашей стране политики в отношении внимания к образованию женщин и их поддержки, обеспечения занятости молодежи, создания равных прав и возможностей для женщин в воспитании молодежи в деталях.


1. https://strategy.uz/index.php?news=745/ Xelena Freyzer: O‘zbekiston gender tenglikni ta’minlash bo‘yicha muhim qadamlarni qo‘ymoqda [Helena Fraser: Uzbekistan is taking important steps to ensure gender equality] (In Uzb)

2. Asyanov Sh. M, Bakaeva F.X. O‘zbekistonda xotin-qizlar huquqlarini ta’minlashning tashkiliy-huquqiy asoslarini takomillashtirish. [Improving the organizational and legal foundations of ensuring women’s rights in Uzbekistan] — Toshkent.: «Mega Basim», 2008. — P.7. (In Uzb)

3. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisining «Xotin-qizlarning siyosiy huquqlari to‘g‘risidagi konvensiya qo‘shilish haqida»gi 501-sonli Qarori, 1997 yil 30 avgust. [Resolution No. 501 of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On Accession to the Convention on the Political Rights of Women», August 30, 1997.] https://www.lex.uz/docs/86886 (In Uzb)

4. O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Saylov kodeksi [Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan] (O‘zR25.06.2019y.O‘RQ-544-son Qonuni bilan tasdiqlangan), (In Uzb)

5. «O‘zbekiston respublikasi oliy majlisiga saylov to‘g‘risida»gi O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qonuniga o‘zgartishlar va qo‘shimchalar kiritish haqida O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Qonuni. [Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Amendments and Supplements to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On Elections to the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan»] https://lex.uz/docs/–70937 (In Uzb) 2022/2023-o‘quv yilidan boshlab xotin-qizlar uchun qanday imkoniyatlar bor? [What are the opportunities for women from the 2022/2023 academic year?] https://tstu.uz/2022–2023-oquv-yilidan-boshlab-xotin-qizlar-uchun-qanday-imkoniyatlar-bor/ (In Uzb)

6. Xotin-qizlarga 7 yilga foizsiz ta’lim krediti beriladi [Women and girls are given an interest-free education loan for 7 years]. Gazeta. uz (In Uzb)

7. Prezident xotin-qizlarga imtiyozli taʼlim kreditlari ajratish toʻgʻrisidagi qarorni imzoladi. Asosiy tushunchalar [The President signed the decision on allocating preferential educational loans to women. Basic concepts] https://www.spot.uz/oz/2022/07/19/women/ (In Uzb)

8. Xotin-qizlarning mehnat huquqlari kafolatlarini yanada kuchaytirish va tadbirkorlik faoliyatini qo‘llab-quvvatlashga oid chora-tadbirlar to‘g‘risida [On measures to further strengthen the guarantees of women’s labor rights and support entrepreneurial activity] O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining qarori, 07.03.2019 yildagi PQ-4235-son (In Uzb)

9. Utverjdena Strategiya dostijeniya gendernogo ravenstva v Uzbekistane do 2030 goda [The Strategy for Achieving Gender Equality in Uzbekistan until 2030 has been approved] https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2021/05/29/gender-equality/ (In Russ)

10. Мирзахмедов Х. Gender sotsiologiyasi: xotin-qizlarning jamiyatdagi o‘rni [Gender sociology: the role of women in society]. Ijtimoiy tadqiqotlar jurnal, 2020. № 3 (3). — P. 63. (In Uzb)

11. Djoldasova S., Konstitutsionnыe garantii gendernogo ravenstva [Constitutional provision of gender equality].

12. https://constitution.uz/ru/pages/gender (In Russ)

13. Mirzaxmedov X. Gender sotsiologiyasi: g‘ayrijinslilik [Gender sociology: enthusiasm]. Oila barqarorligi davlat va jamiyat taraqqiyoti kafolatidir mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjuman [Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic of family stability is a guarantee of the development of the state and society]. — Namangan: Namangan, 2019. — p. 176. (In Uzb)

14. Sodirdjonov M. Monitoring voprosov issledovaniya chelovecheskogo kapitala v etnosotsialnix protsessax i sotsialnie tendensii [Monitoring of human capital research issues in ethnosocial processes and social trends.]. Sotsialnaya politika i sotsialnoe partnyorstvo jurnal. № 8, 2021. С. 608. (In Russ)

15. Politika gendernogo ravenstva v sovremennom Uzbekistane [Gender equality policy in modern Uzbekistan]. https://uza.uz/ru/ posts/politika-gendernogo-ravenstva-v-sovremennom-uzbekistane_257250 (In Russ)

16. Mirzaxmedov X. Gender transformatsiyasi: feminizatsiya [Gender transformations: Feminization]. Uzluksiz ma’naviy tarbiya konsepsiyasini amalga oshirishda ommaviy axborot vositalarining roli mavzusidagi Respublika onlayn ilmiy-amaliy anjuman [Republican online scientific and practical conference on the role of the media in the implementation of continuous spiritual education concept siniy]. — Toshkent, 2020. — P. 212. (In Uzb)

17. Mirzaxmedov X. Novie ugrozi v duxovnoy jizni u molodyoji [New threats in the spiritual life of young people]. Jurnal Sotsialnaya politika i sotsialnoe partnerstvo. — 2021. — № 4 (195). — P. 295. (In Russ)

18. O garantiyax ravnыx prav i vozmojnostey dlya jenщin i mujchin. Zakon Respubliki Uzbekistan [On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan]., от 02.09.2019 № ZRU-562. (In Russ)

19. Khurshid Mirzakhmedov. The Role of Ethno-Confessional Leaders in The Political Life of Society. The American Journal of Social Science and Education. Innovations. Volume: III, Issue I, February, USA — 2021, pp. 364. (In Eng)

20. Mirzaxmedov X. Formirovanie kulturi tolerantnosti kak sennost islama [Formation of a culture of tolerance as a value of Islam] // Sotsialnaya politika i sotsialnoe partnerstvo. — 2019. — № 6 (173). — P. 55. (In Russ)

21. Sodirjonov M.M. On the coverage of ethnic processes in the information space //Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR). — 2020. — T. 9. — №. 6. — S. 165–171. (In Eng)

1. https://strategy.uz/index.php?news=745/ Хелена Фрейзер: Ўзбекистон гендер тенгликни таъминлаш бўйича муҳим қадамларни қўймоқда.

2. Асьянов Ш. М, Бакаева Ф.Х. Ўзбекистонда хотин-қизлар ҳуқуқларини таъминлашнинг ташкилий-ҳуқуқий асосларини такомиллаштириш. Тошкент.: «Mega Basim», 2008. — Б.7.

3. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Олий Мажлисининг «Хотин-қизларнинг сиёсий ҳуқуқлари тўғрисидаги конвенция қўшилиш ҳақида»ги 501-сонли Қарори, 1997 йил 30 август. https://www.lex.uz/docs/86886

4. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг Сайлов кодекси (ЎзР25.06.2019й.ЎРҚ-544-сон Қонуни билан тасдиқланган),

5. «O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisiga saylov to‘g‘risida»gi O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qonuniga o‘zgartishlar va qo‘shimchalar kiritish haqida O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Qonuni. https://lex.uz/docs/–70937

6. 2022/2023-o‘quv yilidan boshlab xotin-qizlar uchun qanday imkoniyatlar bor? https://tstu.uz/2022–2023-oquv-yilidan-boshlab-xotin-qizlar-uchun-qanday-imkoniyatlar-bor/

7. Xotin-qizlarga 7 yilga foizsiz ta’lim krediti beriladi // Gazeta.uz

8. Prezident xotin-qizlarga imtiyozli taʼlim kreditlari ajratish toʻgʻrisidagi qarorni imzoladi. Asosiy tushunchalar. https://www.spot.uz/oz/2022/07/19/women/

9. Xotin-qizlarning mehnat huquqlari kafolatlarini yanada kuchaytirish va tadbirkorlik faoliyatini qo‘llab-quvvatlashga oid chora-tad-birlar to‘g‘risida O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining qarori, 07.03.2019 yildagi PQ-4235-son

10. Утверждена Стратегия достижения гендерного равенства в Узбекистане до 2030 года. https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2021/05/29/ gender-equality/

11. Мирзахмедов Х. Гендер социологияси: хотин-қизларнинг жамиятдаги ўрни // Ижтимоий тадқиқотлар. — 2020. — № 3 (3). — Б. 63.

12. Джолдасова С. Конституционные гарантии гендерного равенства. https://constitution.uz/ru/pages/gender

13. Мирзахмедов Х. Гендер социологияси: ғайрижинслилик. Оила барқарорлиги давлат ва жамият тараққиёти кафолатидир мавзусидаги Республика илмий-амалий анжуман. — Наманган: Наманган, 2019. — Б. 176.

14. Содирджонов М. Мониторинг вопросов исследования человеческого капитала в этносоциальных процессах и социальные тенденции // Социальная политика и социальное партнерство. — 2021. — № 8. — С. 608.

15. Политика гендерного равенства в современном Узбекистане. https://uza.uz/ru/posts/politika-gendernogo-ravenstva-v-sovremennom-uzbekistane_257250

16. Мирзахмедов Х. Гендер трансформацияси: феминизация. Узлуксиз маънавий тарбия концепциясини амалга оширишда оммавий ахборот воситаларининг роли мавзусидаги Республика онлайн илмий-амалий анжуман. — Тошкент, 2020. — Б. 212.

17. Мирзахмедов Х. Новые угрозы в духовной жизни у молодежи // Социальная политика и социальное партнерство. — 2021. — № 4 (195). — С. 295.

18. О гарантиях равных прав и возможностей для женщин и мужчин. Закон Республики Узбекистан, от 02.09.2019 № ЗРУ-562.

19. Khurshid Mirzakhmedov. The Role of Ethno-Confessional Leaders in The Political Life of Society. The American Journal of Social Science and Education. Innovations. Volume: III, Issue I, February, USA — 2021, pp. 364.

20. Мирзахмедов Х. Формирование культуры толерантности как ценность ислама // Социальная политика и социальное партнерство. — 2019. — № 6 (173). — С. 55.

21. Sodirjonov M.M. On the coverage of ethnic processes in the information space // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR). — 2020. — Т. 9, №. 6. — С. 165–171.

Full and real equality between men and women is an extremely important element of a fair and democratic society based on the rule of law. The holistic development of society and the enhancement of the well-being of all its members require equal opportunities for the full and equal participation of men and women.

The full and equal enjoyment of human rights by women is of the utmost importance for strengthening peace and democracy in the country. Because the number of women in our country is almost 50 per cent of the total population. That is why their intellectual-spiritual development, socio-economic and political-legal activity is very important not only for the development of our country, but also for the stability of our families [10].

The article used research methods such as comparative analysis based on the principles of empirical research, logicality, systematicity, interrelationship scientific research.

In recent years, the issue of «gender equality» has risen to a completely new level in state policy, and 25 legislative acts have been adopted in this field. The commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on issues of ensuring gender equality, the committee on issues of women and girls and gender equality was established in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. For the first time in the history of Uzbekistan, the number of women in the parliament has reached the level corresponding to the recommendations set by the UN, reaching almost 32%. Uzbekistan has risen to the 37th place among 190 parliaments in the world. Such results contribute to the formation of gender balance in our society, and to ensure the organizational and legal basis for equalizing the status of men and women [5].

At the same time, within the framework of implementation of the Fifth Goal of Sustainable Development, Uzbekistan developed nine tasks related to «Ensuring gender equality and expanding the rights and opportunities of all women». In accordance with the objectives of the fifth goal (Gender equality), by 2030 it is necessary to eliminate all forms of discrimination against all women, to ensure the full and effective participation of women and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and social life. In addition, this goal includes introducing the principles of gender equality in the process of adoption of State programs at different levels of the state. On the basis of this state program, many organizational and legal works have been initiated to achieve gender equality in our country, to increase the efficiency of the work started in this regard, and to obtain higher results [1].

Для Цитирования:
Мухаммадюнусова Мохистара Мухаммадилхом кизи, Правовые механизмы обеспечения гендерного равенства в новом Узбекистане. Социальная политика и социальное партнерство. 2023;1.
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