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УДК: 331 DOI:10.33920/pro-3-2202-01

Non-material motivation as an effective way to manage an organization's personnel during COVID-19*

Basik I. V. postgraduate student of the Faculty of Economics and Law, "Strategic Human Resources Management", the Basic Department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry "Human Capital Development", Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow 36, Stremyanny Lane, Moscow, Chief Specialist of the Procurement Control Department, Main Control Department of Moscow 36, Novy Arbat St., Moscow, 121099, E-mail: basik.irina@mail.ru

The article analyzes the impact of COVID-19, the subsequent economic and social crisis on the acceleration of digitalization of business and the need to adapt systems of non-material motivation and incentives to the existing realities. The article reflects the importance of ensuring a favourable socio-psychological climate in the company, the psychological comfort of employees in the workplace, personalization and actualization of non-material motivation tools. Options for improving the use of the most common methods of non-material motivation are proposed. The relevance of this topic is due to the increasing use of various methods of non-material motivation in most companies, regardless of geographic location, company size, number of employees, industry, its financial position in the market and other factors that provide an advantage over competitors and other interested parties.


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* Supervisor: E.V. Shubenkova, PhD in Economics, Professor of the Basic Department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry "Human Capital Development", Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting global political, economic and social crises have led to a dramatically increased turbulence in the external business environment. Restrictions on the mobility of employees and consumers, a decrease in real incomes of the population negatively affected the incomes of organizations, while exponential increases in the cost of resources on global markets and the logistical collapse have led to a significant increase in costs. In these circumstances, the goal of the organization becomes at least survival, at most - the absorption of market shares of less successful competitors. Thus, when competing with other companies in the market, the maximum impact on the effectiveness of the company's activities will be exerted by its internal environment, the elements of which are personnel, finance, marketing, production, etc., while environmental factors will have a similar impact on competitors of one segment.

With the development of post-industrial society, there is a growing importance of the human factor in the activities of the company, skilled labour becomes a factor in the success or failure of the business. Maintaining market positions, developing the organization's potential, increasing its competitiveness and maximizing the company's profits is achieved through qualified personnel by increasing their loyalty and engagement, taking into account the use of tools and methods of non-material motivation and stimulation [1].

This article considers the increasing role of non-material motivation and stimulation of employees in the organization as a factor in the preservation and development of business in conditions of global turbulence, and the need for its structural changes caused by the parameters of the macro environment.

Для Цитирования:
Basik I. V., Non-material motivation as an effective way to manage an organization's personnel during COVID-19*. Нормирование и оплата труда в промышленности. 2022;2.
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