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УДК: 620.3:615.214.24 DOI:10.33920/igt-2101-06

Nanostructured Jerusalem artichoke: its properties and application in the ice cream production

Krolevets A.A. Professor at the Food Technology Department, Head of the Laboratory "Synthesis of Micro- and Nanostructures", Regional Open Social Institute, PhD in Chemistry, Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences
Miachikova N.I. Head of the Food Technology Department, Belgorod State National Research University, Associate Professor, PhD Candidate in Engineering
Binkovskaia O.V. Associate Professor at the Food Technology Department, PhD Candidate in Biological Sciences, Belgorod State National Research University
Glotova S.G. Associate Professor at the Food Technology and Commodity Research Department, Regional Open Social Institute
Semichev K.M. Student, Belgorod State National Research University
Mamaeva E.M. Student, Regional Open Social Institute
Khalikova A.S. Student, Belgorod State National Research University

The research presents properties of nanostructured Jerusalem artichoke, determines self-organization and particle sizes using Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA). It has been shown that the smallest size of nanocapsules is in xanthan gum (179 nm), and the largest size is in apple highly esterified pectin with a core-shell ratio of 5:1 (334 nm). The resulting nanostructured Jerusalem artichoke was used in the production of ice cream with functional properties.


1. Krolevets A.A., Miachikova N.I., Glotova S.G., Semichev K.M. Primenenie nanostrukturirovannoi khlorelly pri proizvodstve morozhenogo [Use of Nanostructured Chlorella in Ice Cream Production] / Innovations in Life Sciences: Collection of Materials of the International Symposium. Belgorod, October 10–11, 2019. — Belgorod: Publishing House "Belgorod", Belgorod State University, 2019, pp. 118–119.

2. Krolevets A.A., Vorontsova M.L., Tyrsin Iu.A. Issledovanie mikrokapsul ekstrakta zelenogo chaia metodom ramanovskoi spektroskopii [Study of Microcapsules of Green Tea Extract by Raman Spectroscopy]. Abstracts of the International Conference "Nanotechnology in the Food Industry". — Moscow: Moscow State University of Food Production, 2012, pp. 36–39.

3. Sein O.B., Krolevets A.A., Trubnikov D.V., Chelnokov V.A. et al. Nanokapsulirovannye probiotiki, prakticheskie aspekty primeneniia v zhivotnovodstve i veterinarnoi meditsine [Nanocapsulated Probiotics, Practical Aspects of Application in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine]. Bulletin of Kursk State Agricultural Academy, 2013, No. 3, pp. 57–59.

4. Naumov M.M., Krolevets A.A., Ikhlasova Z.D., Brusentsev I.A., Bogachev I.A. Issledovanie mikrokapsul Biopaga-D fiziko-khimicheskimi metodami [Research on Biopag-D Microcapsules by Physicochemical Methods]. Bulletin of Kursk State Agricultural Academy, 2013, No. 4, pp. 66–67.

5. Krolevets A.A., Bogachev I.A., Nikitin K.S., Boiko E.E. Vliianie prirody obolochki na razmer nanokapsul na primere zhirorastvorimykh vitaminov [Influence of the Shell Nature on the Size of Nanocapsules by the Example of Fat-Soluble Vitamins]. International Research-to-Practice Conference "Scientific Prospects of the XXI Century. Achievements and Prospects of the New Century", 2014, No. 3 (6), pp. 108–111.

6. Krolevets A.A., Bogachev I.A., Khait E.A., Andreenkov V.S. Svoistva nanostrukturirovannogo adaptogena — ekstrakta zhen'shenia [Properties of Nanostructured Adaptogen — Ginseng Extract]. NAU, 2015, No. 2 (7), pp. 149–152.

7. Krolevets A.A., Bogachev I.A., Zhdanova O.V., Andreenkov V.S. Samoorganizatsiia nanokapsul betulina [Self-Organization of Betulin Nanocapsules]. NAU, 2015, No. 2 (7), pp. 152–156.

8. Krolevets A.A., Bogachev I.A., Zhdanova O.V. Issledovanie nanokapsul prirodnykh biologicheski aktivnykh soedinenii. Nanokapsuly unabi [Research on Nanocapsules of Natural Biologically Active Compounds. Unabi Nanocapsules]. Eurasian Union of Scientists, 2015, № 1 (18), Part 2, pp. 54–59.

9. Krolevets A.A., Bogachev I.A., Khait E.A. Svoistva nanostrukturirovannogo vitamina Q10 [Properties of Nanostructured Vitamin Q10]. Educаtio, 2015, No. 1 (8), Part 2, pp. 52–55.

10. Krolevets A.A., Bogachev I.A., Tyrsin Iu.A., Zhdanova O.V., Nikolaeva Iu.N., Vorontsova M.L. Vliianie prirody obolochki na razmer nanostrukturirovannogo kvertitsina [Influence of the Shell Nature on the Size of Nanostructured Querticin]. VII Intersociety Research-to-Practice Conference "Innovations in Commodity Research, Foodservice and Long-Term Storage of Food Products", Moscow: Moscow State University of Food Production, 2015, pp. 81–84.

11. Krolevets A.A., Andreenkov V.S., Vorontsova M.L. Svoistva nanostrukturirovannykh adaptogenov rastitel'nogo proiskhozhdeniia [Properties of Nanostructured Adaptogens of Plant Origin ] // Educatio, 2015, No. 7 (14), Part 2, pp. 138–141.

12. Patent 20110223314 United States, International Class B05D 7/00 20060101 B05D007/00. Efficient Microencapsulation. ZHANG; Xiaoxiao (Honolulu, HI); Garmire; David (Honolulu, HI); Ohta; Aaron (Honolulu, HI). Serial № 045244. Filed: March 10, 2011.

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Jerusalem artichoke, or sunroot, or sunchoke (Latin: Heliánthus tuberósus) is a species of perennial herbaceous tuberose plants of the sunflower genus of the Asteraceae family. The plant is also known by the names "earth apple", "girasole", "topinambour", "lambchoke".

The root vegetable tastes quite ordinary. To say that the taste of Jerusalem artichoke is worth admiring is hardly possible. It tastes like a slightly sweet raw potato. But the beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke literally delight!

This root vegetable has a whole list of useful properties:

it has a positive effect on digestion;

it restores and improves the functioning of the endocrine glands;

it promotes weight correction in case of obesity problems and uncontrolled weight gain;

it increases the resistance of the immune system;

it stabilizes the haematopoiesis system, improves blood circulation;

improves the condition of tissues, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;

it strengthens the joints.

This is not a complete list of benefits of this plant, extremely simple in appearance and taste. It is worth noting that, among other things, the root vegetable is widely used in cooking and does not belong at all to the number of plants for which you can find recipes for preparing only medical products.

The root vegetable contains the following vitamins and acids:

• PP — 1.3 mg;

• beta-carotene — 0.012 mg;

• folic acid — up to 18.8 mg;

• E — 0.15 mg;

• thiamine (vitamin B1) — 0.07 mg;

• pyridoxine (vitamin B6) — 0.23 mg;

• vitamin A — 2 µg;

• vitamin C — 6 µg.

The nutritional value of Jerusalem artichoke is expressed in the following indicators per 100 g of product:

• calories — 62 Kcal;

• proteins — 2.2 g;

• fats — 0.05 g;

• carbohydrates — 13 g.

The content of dietary fiber in an earth apple is 3.8 g. In one edible tuber, water is up to 82%, starch is 9.7%, organic acids are up to 0.1% by weight, monoand disaccharides are 3.3 g. Jerusalem artichoke contains practically no fats, but there is a sufficient proportion of vegetable protein. The presence of starch indicates that the product gives satiety. Low-calorie intake indicates that this root vegetable is not capable to destabilize body weight balance, but rather promotes smooth weight loss when consumed regularly.

Для Цитирования:
Krolevets A.A., Miachikova N.I., Binkovskaia O.V., Glotova S.G., Semichev K.M., Mamaeva E.M., Khalikova A.S., Nanostructured Jerusalem artichoke: its properties and application in the ice cream production. Товаровед продовольственных товаров. 2021;1.
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