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УДК: 620.3:615.214.2 DOI:10.33920/igt-01-2008-01

Nanostructerd motherwort extract and its use in ice cream production

A.A. Krolevets Professor at the Department of Technology of Food Products, Head of the Micro and Nano Structure Synthesis Laboratory, Regional Open Social Institute, D.Sc. in Chemistry, Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences
N.I. Myachikova Head of the Department of Technology of Food Products, Belgorod State University, Associate Professor, PhD in Technical Sciences
S.G. Glotova Associate Professor at the Department of Technology of Food Products and Merchandising, Regional Open Social Institute
K.M. Semichev student at the Department of Technology of Food Products, Belgorod State University
Ye.M. Mamayeva student at the Department of Technology of Food Products and Merchandising, Regional Open Social Institute

The research presents data of usage the nanostructured motherwort extract in producing ice cream, which can be used as a preventive functional food. The sizes of nanostructured motherwort extract, which depend on the nature of the shell, are found with the help of the Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). Thus, the size of motherwort extract nanocapsules depend on the nature of carbohydrate shell: 10% of nanocapsules have a size from 63 to 88 nm, and only in sodium alginate the particles have a smaller size of 25 nm. In addition, the lowest average size of nanocapsule is 192 nm in konjac gum, the average is 227,00 – 249,80 nm in carrageenan and sodium alginate respectively, the highest average is 322 nm in sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (cellulose gum).


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Motherwort grows on wastelands, along roads, in gardens and pastures. It is a perennial plant with a 1,5 m height. Motherwort contains flavonoid glycosides such as rutin, apigenins, quercitrin, hyperoside; tannins up 2.5%, iridoid glycosides; alkaloids such as choline, stachydrine and nitrogenous bases. [1]

It is an effective remedy for the treatment and preventing heart diseases. Motherwort is also used for treating epilepsy, Graves' disease, thrombosis, gastrointestinal disturbances. It stimulates the smooth muscles of the uterus. It helps with insomnia, neurosis, hysteria, high anxiety, fear and panic bouts, and relieves headaches and neuralgic pains. Motherwort has a similar effect on the central nervous system as Valerian.

This paper continues our research on nanostructured biologically active compounds [2-11]. It is known that nanoobjects have high bioavailability which is used in medicine and pharmacology.

There is no research on studying nanostructured motherwort extract.

The size of capsules containing biologically active compounds affects their physiological activity in the body. [12] The example of many medical substances indicated that reducing particles sizes leads to changes in bioavailability and effectiveness. [13]

In 1987 Jean-Marie Lehn as one of the creators of supramolecular chemistry suggested terms self-organization and self-assembly to describe how molecules adjust in high-molecular composition systems under equilibrium conditions, in particular DNA formation. Lehn defined supramolecular chemistry as the chemistry of molecular assemblies and intermolecular interactions, i.e. the chemistry beyond molecules. This definition is vivid but not entirely accurate. The formation of intermolecular interactions has an impact on the structure of the molecules, which are part of the assembly. Many reactions of self-organization and self-assembly are known due to the different types of interactions when large molecules and molecular assemblies are created. A classic example is DNA and different complex compounds such as host-guest. If the process occurs in solution, then we're dealing with clathrates or inclusion compounds in general. They can be in a more solid-state, for example, clathrate hydrates (gas hydrates). The components can be crown ethers, cryptands, iodides, spherulites, cyclodextrins and others. [14]

Для Цитирования:
A.A. Krolevets, N.I. Myachikova, S.G. Glotova, K.M. Semichev, Ye.M. Mamayeva, Nanostructerd motherwort extract and its use in ice cream production. Товаровед продовольственных товаров. 2020;8.
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