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УДК: 316.346.2–055.1 DOI:10.33920/pol-01-2109-06

Main factors affecting the masculinity of men

Karabaeva Indira Bektemirovna National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, E-mail: ikarabaeva1979@gmail.com, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0009-9008-5073
Imanbaev Samat Kazbekovich Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn, E-mail: samat_bish@mail.ru, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1479-4695

The article reflects men's main problems different from women's ones. The main factors that affect the social and psychological state of men are determined. The biggest problem that men face is the idea that the manifestation of any emotions is considered girly and that being girly is not what they want to be. According to the analysis results, men have much fewer cases of being diagnosed with mental illnesses, affecting their emotions, such as depression, or disorders that arise as a result of pressure from society. Men often keep silent and fall into depression. Hiding their emotions, they do not turn to specialists, such as a therapist and a psychologist.


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The contrast between femininity and masculinity in modern society is a top issue, especially in countries of the Eastern world where men and women are considered different. Society expects more from men than from women. It is assumed that they will be engaged in different activities, while women still have a long way to go when it comes to equal treatment. It turns out that, like women in life, in the workplace and everywhere else, men also suffer in society.

As a normal person, a man should become a breadwinner, father etc. If you show weakness, then society can «eat you alive», but even if this does not happen, men scroll through such a scenario in their heads. Taking it into account, most men have psychological trauma. If a man is not perfect, he is often scolded for it. Men also live in the world of constant aggression and depression. The relevance of this topic is in no doubt, as this is confirmed by facts.

According to the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, the number of registered unemployed as of mid-2021 is 76,652 people, of which 40,748 are men (53.2 %), women — 35,904 (46.8 %) of the unemployed. As we see, 3 % more unemployed men are registered. Accordingly, in 2020, 24,320 crimes were committed, 82.5 % of which were committed by men and 17.5 % — by women [7].

We may live in a patriarchal and hierarchical society. As a result, some people think that men cannot be victims. In the end, the society that works this way should be favourable for men. But it is not true. Unfortunately, in many cases, men lose due to their vulnerability, which often leads to a lot of mental diseases or worse, suicide.

Some men face challenges that are hard for them to overcome. This is a myth that men do not face challenges. As Julie Zeilinger explains: «even having ubiquitous privileges, men face their own set of destructive barriers that limit what it means to be a man and how a man can express himself. It is especially true for men that are also members of marginalized group.» [2]

Для Цитирования:
Karabaeva Indira Bektemirovna, Imanbaev Samat Kazbekovich, Main factors affecting the masculinity of men. Социальная политика и социальное партнерство. 2021;9.
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