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УДК: 338 DOI:10.33920/pro-3-2201-01

Innovative potential of the organization's personnel: opportunities and prospects

Bychin V. B. PhD in Economics, Professor of the Base Department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry "Development of Human Capital", Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow 36, Stremyanny lane, Moscow, 117997, E-mail: professor_bvb@rambler.ru

To improve the efficiency of companies, the effective use of the innovative potential of the organization's personnel is of particular importance. Company management needs to learn how to use this potential correctly, to make it an effective tool for improving the efficiency of the organization.


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Nowadays, the well-known and widely-used well-established schemes for solving certain problems are no longer a guarantee of success. More and more often, the actions taken by the company's management with the purpose of improvement of the efficiency of the professional and economic activities of the company cannot lead to the same high results that could be achieved before. And this is the reason why the management of the organization decides on the need to introduce various innovations.

The scope of innovation is not only the production of something new that did not exist before but the entire management process in the whole, whether it is project management, finance, personnel, etc. Innovations can penetrate the organization's functioning system, thereby creating the basis for the emergence and development of qualitatively new opportunities in the organization's activities.

One of these opportunities, in our opinion, is the innovative potential of the organization's personnel. Company management needs to learn how to use this potential correctly, to make it an effective tool for improving the efficiency of the organization.

The scientific and technological development of mankind provides significant assistance in the implementation of the required labour actions and transformations, but does not replace human labour. Therefore, we believe that the innovative potential of the organization's personnel should become the basis for improving the efficiency of existing organization workplaces.

The main productive force continues to be a man armed with knowledge and means of labour. Human labour remains the main driving force of production, and as the labour quality improves, the production quality and volume grow.

Modern society is at the stage of development, characterized by continuous improvement of the mechanism of social production, the emergence of new processes, created on the basis of innovative activity of the totality of all economic entities. In this regard, the role of innovation for companies is greatly increasing.

Для Цитирования:
Bychin V. B., Innovative potential of the organization's personnel: opportunities and prospects. Нормирование и оплата труда в промышленности. 2022;1.
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