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УДК: 311.3, Higher Attestation Commission 08.00.12. DOI:10.33920/sel-11-2008-08

Improving statistical analysis of social inequality in Russia

Tikhonova Anna Vitalievna Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Associate Professor at the Department of Taxes and Tax Administration, Financial University, Candidate of Economic Sciences 70, 19 Myachkovsky Boulevard, Moscow, 109469 E-mail: avtihonova@rgau-msha.ru

The study is devoted to a comprehensive assessment of social inequality in Russia using the Gini index, the coefficient of funds and indicators of incomes of the population. The growing income gap between poor and rich citizens has been revealed, while the material situation of the middle class is improving. Positive results of the state housing policy were noted. The author developed a methodology for assessing the territorial differences of social imbalances, based on the calculation of the final criterion of territorial differentiation. Testing of the methodology revealed the presence of negative trends in strengthening social stratification across the regions of Russia.


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The article was submitted on March 14, 2020.

All over the world, social inequality is considered a serious problem, hindering the state and society effective development. According to study results by the Higher School of Economics representatives, Russia is among the world’s leading countries on wealth concentration of the richest people: more than 70 % of the country’s financial and non-financial assets belong to 5 % of its citizens [6]. This situation puts Russia in the 22nd place in global inequality ranking, along with the Philippines, Uruguay, Gambia and Lithuania. The trend is much more obvious in such countries as Zambia, Brazil, Colombia, Panama and Chile, where more than 38 % of the total income belongs to 10 % of the population [5].

Clearly, the presented data demonstrate a high level of inequality in Russia, especially in comparison with other states. However, our country is characterized by significant social differentiation in the internal space, resulting from a vast territory, significant differences in their transport accessibility, natural conditions, etc. It strongly determines social differentiation specificity in comparison with many countries of the world.

— a comprehensive assessment of social differentiation, as well as identification of main trends society polarization, considering geographical characteristics of the Russian Federation.

Study tasks. Within this study context, to identify the degree of social disproportions, it is required:

1) to analyze general trends of social inequality in Russia;

2) to develop and test methods used for the assessment of social changes in the regions of Russia.

Official data from Rosstat (Federal Service of State Statistics) and the Unified Interagency Information Statistical System portal, scientific articles on the analyzed problem were used as study materials.

The main used research methods are as follows: statistical and econometric techniques (time series analysis, correlation and regression analysis, ranking method, and others). According to the official information of Rosstat, the standard of living and social inequality in the Russian Federation is assessed using the following six main indexes, that help to characterize the situation in Russia as a whole:

Для Цитирования:
Tikhonova Anna Vitalievna, Improving statistical analysis of social inequality in Russia. Бухучет в сельском хозяйстве. 2020;8.
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