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УДК: 663.6.8 DOI:10.33920/igt-01-2201-01

Identification of the composition of soft drinks by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Sidorenko Yu.I. PhD in Engineering, Professor, Biosnabsbyt Trading House, AO
Beletsky S.L. PhD Candidate in Engineering, Associate Professor, VNIIKP — Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Centre for Food Systems, RAS
Ivanov S.A. Master, Askom Sport, OOO Privalov V.I., PhD Candidate in Physics and Mathematics, Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, RAS
Gurylev A.A. School 2083, Moscow
Sidorenko A.A. School 2083, Moscow
Kazakov D.E. School 2083, Moscow

The article provides information on the development of a method for identifying the composition of soft drinks by the method of nuclear magnetic resonance. Several drinks widely represented in the distribution network, as well as tap and spring water, were subjected to the study. As a result of the research, the possibility of using the method of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of hydrogen protons 1H and carbon isotope 13C was established. 1H spectroscopy confirmed the absence of organic compounds in samples of tap and spring water, which indicates the ecological well-being of the underground water basin of the study region. The ability to evaluate the acidity of non-alcoholic beverages by the nature of the 1H absorption spectrum has been established. It has been shown that 1 3C NMR spectroscopy can qualitatively and quantitatively assess the concentration of organic compounds in drinks. It is shown that the set of signal amplitudes in the 13C NMR spectrum and the chemical shifts of these signals in the studied drinks can be identification sources of their composition. The work was carried out within the framework of the program for the implementation of project methods of school education in the secondary school of School 2083 in Moscow.


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Consumption of bottled beverages in the Russian Federation tends to grow steadily. In 2020, the volume of all types of beverages amounted to about 15.8 billion litres. The greatest dynamics is observed in the sector of production of artificially mineralized water and production of drinks with the addition of juices and fruit drinks. The growth trend of the segment with low consumer value and relatively low production cost indicates a decrease in the cost of the average consumer basket with a simultaneous tendency for the population to get used to the use of bottled products in everyday life for culinary purposes and domestic consumption (in 2020, the share of drinking water without added sugar was 28.3%). The lack of growth in consumption and the volatility of the segment “Drinking Water and Soft Drinks for Baby Food” indicates a decrease in the purchasing power of the population and the absence of centralized programs for the development of baby food production.

The market demand for non-alcoholic products is almost completely satisfied by domestic production, according to [1], the share of imports in recent years is only 4–4.5%. In value terms, the largest share of imports is occupied by juice products, while the leaders in supplies are China (22%, mainly apple juice) and Brazil (orange juice).

Figure 1 shows the structure of production volumes of soft drinks in the Russian Federation over the past 4 years.

In recent years, there has been a serious discussion about the benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beverages (NAB) with added sugar. One of the reasons for the pressure on the market of sugar-containing drinks is the expanding expansion of exporters of sweetening surrogates - sugar substitutes. In Table 1 and Figure 2 you can see the dynamics of sales of non-alcoholic beverages (NAB) with added sugar and juice products on the Russian market by main categories in 2010–2018.

As can be seen from Fig. 2, the data of sources [1] and [2] quite convincingly correlate with each other. After steady growth in sales until 2014, starting from 2015, there has been a decline in the sale of NAB in all categories, except for bottled drinking water. This nature of the dynamics is associated with a decrease in the purchasing power of the population after 2014, with the effect of an “anti-sugar” campaign in the media superimposed. At the same time, there is a tendency for a slight increase in sales of specialized products: energy drinks, sports drinks, bottled tea and coffee. Special products are usually formulated with low-calorie sweeteners.

Для Цитирования:
Sidorenko Yu.I., Beletsky S.L., Ivanov S.A., Gurylev A.A., Sidorenko A.A., Kazakov D.E., Identification of the composition of soft drinks by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy . Товаровед продовольственных товаров. 2022;1.
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