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УДК: 332 DOI:10.33920/sel-04-2109-02

Formation of a sustainable land-use system in Crimea

A.Yu. Melnichuk PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Land Management and National Inventory of the Faculty of Land Management and Geodesy, Agrotechnological Academy of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, E-mail: omelnichuk61@mail.ru
O.V. Zakalichnaya Assistant at the Department of Land Management and National Inventory of the Faculty of Land Management and Geodesy, Agrotechnological Academy of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, E-mail: zakalichnayaov@cfuv.ru

The article analyzes the issues of forming a system of sustainable land use. It is offered to base the formation of a system of sustainable land use on land zoning, reflecting the differences of the territory in soil, morphometric and agro-climatic conditions. Zoning the lands of the Simferopol region was completed according to their suitability for growing grapes. The infrastructure of the regional information and analytical system of sustainable land use has been developed. An algorithm for the formation of sustainable land use on the platform of digital land management and land use is proposed.


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Introduction. The increasing pace of economic development often leads to the depletion and degradation of natural resources. To prevent irreversible consequences in the system of nature management, humanity has been looking for ways to regulate the level of use of natural resources in economic development since the second half of the last century. Awareness of the need for change towards sustainability emerged from the discussion of the reports to the Club of Rome, the first of which was published in 1972 under the title "The Limits to Growth". It was based on the results of modelling world development [21]. In subsequent years, the ideas of sustainable development received broad support from the progressive world community.

In 1983, by the decision of the UN General Assembly, the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) was founded. The Commission aimed to search for options for global development, based on which consolidated international decisions and actions could be taken. Such a platform for world development was the Concept of Sustainable Development, the main provisions of which were published in 1987 in the report of WCED "Our Common Future" [8].

The most important international documents that reflected the issues of sustainable development, environmental management and land use are the Declaration of the UN Conference of June 14, 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, the Declaration of Sustainable Development of September 4, 2002 [22, 23], etc. The issue of sustainable development is not completely resolved and is still relevant today.

The development of rural areas in modern conditions depends on the rational use of natural resources and, above all, land, which are the main means of production in agriculture. The current level of actively progressive land exploitation in agricultural production reaches the limit, after which comes degradation, the deterioration of the properties of agricultural land as a result of natural and anthropogenic influences [1].

Для Цитирования:
A.Yu. Melnichuk, O.V. Zakalichnaya, Formation of a sustainable land-use system in Crimea. Землеустройство, кадастр и мониторинг земель. 2021;9.
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