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УДК: 639.371/374:615.322 DOI:10.33920/sel-09-2010-05

Efficiency of using bioflavonoids in grower feed for promising objects of aquaculture

Sergey Vladimirovich Ponomarev doctor of biological science, professor, professor of the department «Aquaculture and fishery», head of the research laboratory «Sturgeon farming and perspective aquaculture objects», FSBEI HE «Astrakhan state technical university», Russia, Astrakhan, orcid: 0000-0002-2899-8672; 414056, Astrakhan, M. Maksakovoyst 12а; e-mail: kafavb@yandex.ru.
Yulia Viktorovna Fedorovykh candidate of agricultural science, docent of department «Aquaculture and fishery», FSBEI HE «Astrakhan state technical university», Russia, Astrakhan, orcid: 0000-0003-0789-1566; 414056, Astrakhan, 28 Army st, 12/1; e-mail: jaqua@yandex.ru.
Aliya Baymuratovna Akhmedzhanova candidate of biology Sciences, principal engineer laboratory «Sturgeon farming and perspective aquaculture objects», FSBEI HE «Astrakhan state technical university», Russia, Astrakhan, orcid: 0000-0001-9283-8916; 416450, Astrakhan region, Privolzhsky district, Nachalovovl. Microdistrict Sadovyi, 198; e-mail: aliyaakhmed14@gmail.com.
Olga Aleksandrovna Levina candidate of agricultural Sciences, Junior researcher at the research laboratory «Sturgeon farming and perspective aquaculture objects», FSBEI HE «Astrakhan state technical university», Russia, Astrakhan, orcid: 0000-0002-5543-491X; 414056, Astrakhan, 15 Savushkina str.; e-mail: levina90@inbox.ru.
Valery Antonovich Pospelov General Director of KrasnyYar, Russia, Astrakhan, orcid: 0000-0002-9197-5027; . e-mail: krasniy_yar@astranet.ru.
Sergey Vladimirovich Tsulimov candidate of technical Sciences, development Director of LLC Krasny Yar, Russia, Astrakhan, orcid: 0000-0003-0182-109X; 119146, Moscow, Komsomolsky pr-t, 25; e-mail: s@zvuka.net.
Anatoly Bronislavovich Gavrilov candidate of technical Sciences, Head of the laboratory «Biotechnologies» Of the Institute of biological instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Pushchino; orcid: 0000-0003-4462-5427; e-mail: bio_2016@ yandex.ru.

Modern industrial technologies of fish farming make it possible to obtain products of high quality. However, there are stress conditions in an artificial ecosystem (high stocking density, disbalance of optimal hydrochemical conditions). They can adversely affect the eating activity, growth rate and lead to nutritional diseases and depletion of antioxidant capacity. When fish is deprived of natural food and metabolism is under human control, the using of wellbalanced feeds, fortified with macro and microelements and biologically active substances, provides metabolic processes to the fullest extent and contributes to the growth rate and physiologically developed juveniles. The use of antioxidant feed additives does not only perform medical care timely but also provides preventive measures to avoid the negative consequences of the artificial ecosystem. Currently, there are several antioxidant feed additives, and natural bio-antioxidants of flavonoid nature such as catechin, dihydrochalcone, flavonols, leucocyan, taxifolin are of particular interest amid them. The article discusses the experience of using antioxidant of a new generation — taxifolin, and immunostimulant — arabinogalactan in feeding hybrid Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × Oreochromis niloticus). It was found that adding taxifolin (25.0 - 50.0 mg/kg) and arabinogalactan (50.0 mg/kg) to the grower feed formulation increased productivity up by 26.0% and had a positive effect on the physiological state of fish. The obtained findings add the existing understandings about the fields where antioxidants are used and prove the potential of using plant origin ingredients as antioxidant feeding additives.


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Modern industrial technologies of fish farming make it possible to obtain products of high quality. However, there are stress conditions in an artificial ecosystem (high stocking density, disbalance of optimal hydrochemical conditions). They can adversely affect the eating activity, growth rate and lead to nutritional diseases and depletion of antioxidant capacity [3, 9, 11, 20, 22, 26].

Loss of appetite, decreased rate of growth, reduced activity, and increased death rate are the features of weakening the antioxidant organism defence. Besides, there are muscular atrophy, fatty liver degeneration, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, RBC hemolysis, decreasing hematocrit [24, 29].

Additional dietary fortification with biologically active substances such as feed additives, vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes stimulates the fish organism increasing the producing capacity of farmed fish and the fish farming enterprise’s profitability.

The appearance of new specimens with antioxidant properties helps to improve feeding technology and increase prooxidant-antioxidant balance.

Since ecological safety is an important factor for choosing antioxidant feed additive, not without interest are the natural bio-antioxidants of flavonoid origin, particularly taxifolin. This natural flavonoid found out of Larch has a wide range of properties. It is involved in the synthesis of vitamin P, decreases capillary permeability and fragility, and others [8].

The purpose of the research is the impact of bioflavonoid taxifolin and immunostimulant arabinogalactan on farming efficiency and physiological state of hybrid Tilapia juveniles Oreochromis mossambicus × Oreochromis niloticus.

Experiments were performed at the Innovation Centre Bio-aquapark - Research and Development Centre of Aquaculture, Astrakhan State Technical University. The object of the research was a hybrid Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus × Oreochromis niloticus, a well-known object of aquaculture.

Для Цитирования:
Sergey Vladimirovich Ponomarev, Yulia Viktorovna Fedorovykh, Aliya Baymuratovna Akhmedzhanova, Olga Aleksandrovna Levina, Valery Antonovich Pospelov, Sergey Vladimirovich Tsulimov, Anatoly Bronislavovich Gavrilov, Efficiency of using bioflavonoids in grower feed for promising objects of aquaculture . Рыбоводство и рыбное хозяйство. 2020;10.
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