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УДК: 008 DOI:10.33920/nik-01-2201-02

Educational resources of domestic humanitarian culture

Verkhovykh Irina Aleksandrovna Saint Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions 15, Fuchika St., St. Petersburg, 192238, Russia, E-mail: irina.verhovih@mail.ru, ORCID: 0000-0001-7528-8745

The article describes the characteristics of domestic humanitarian thought, which the author considers as a resource for educational activities. As the basic human-creative resources of humanitarian culture, the author considers the anthropocentrism of the national humanitarian thought, the priority of the spiritual and moral principle in the interpretation of the mission and functions of culture, metaphysical vision of national culture outside historical realities, the integrity of cognition based on the synthesis of rationality and faith, the project nature of philosophical and cultural thought, which has formed and stores scenario forecasts and models of the "necessary future". The spiritual potential of domestic humanitarian culture, demanded by the institution of education, in the information society becomes a key factor in preserving the uniqueness of the national world, a condition for the formation of "moral immunity" of the nation, which is essential today for the preservation of the humanistic essence of man, an important stage of the approval of the human-creative essence of education - its ability through the creation of the national culture subject to ensure spiritual continuity, personal identity and social solidarity.


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Received on December 17, 2021.

The supreme meaning of education is to create man in the image and likeness of his culture. In this semantic context, the key educational resource is the national humanitarian culture, and above all its philosophical and cultural component, which concentrates the unique experience of knowing the man and the world. Humanitarian culture nurtures human morality, which is controlled by an inner, spiritual censor the conscience. In this quality, morality, absorbing the religious and ethnocultural component, is more universal and fundamental than morality - the latter fixes "ethical notions and norms set by society at a particular historical stage of development" [11, p. 38]. Domestic humanitarian thought, fixing the features of Russian spirituality, containing optimistic projects for the future, including through the revival of spiritual matrices of "Russianness", rootedness and "deep personal fusion with the historical image of the people" [12, p. 243], today become "a vital necessity" (O.I. Zhukova).

Domestic humanitarian thought "developed and brought to the peak of rational analysis" the semantic fields of the key concepts - God, soul, freedom, truth, having freed them "from the centuries-old burden of metaphorical layering". The national Cosmos of "encyclopedic-universal" humanitarian knowledge "appears as an expression of the knowledge of the Absolute, reflected in forms adequate to the way of life and the way of thinking [1, p. 3].

The human-creative potential of the national humanitarian culture is determined by its essential features, namely: anthropocentrism of the national humanitarian thought, the priority of the spiritual and moral principle in the interpretation of the mission and functions of culture, the metaphysical vision of national culture beyond historical realities, the integrity of cognition based on the synthesis of Rationality and Faith, the project nature of the cultural method, which forms scenario forecasts and models of the "necessary future" based on the correlation of reality with the not yet become, but possible being.

Для Цитирования:
Verkhovykh Irina Aleksandrovna, Educational resources of domestic humanitarian culture. Вопросы культурологии. 2022;1.
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