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УДК: 331 DOI:10.33920/pro-3-2104-01

Economic basis of rational labour and production organization at the enterprise

Bukhalkov M.I. Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, PhD in Economics, Professor, E-mail: buhalckov@yandex.ru
Kuzmin M.A. Executive Director, Mikron Group of Companies, PhD Candidate in Economics, E-mail: kuzmin@micronlab.ru

The article reveals the contribution of pioneer scientists to the development of the domestic science of labour and production organization, the creation of the Russian school of management.


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6.Charnovsky N.F. Organizatsiia promyshlennykh predpriiatii po obrabotke metallov. 2-e izd., znachitel'no dopolnennoe [Management of Industrial Metal Processing Enterprises. 2nd Edition Greatly Expanded], Moscow: Moscow Scientific Publishing House, 1914, 308 pages.

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Modern production and labour management is a complex multifunctional sphere of practical activity of people and a multidimensional scientific category. The subject of its research is the processes of effective interaction between technology and human behaviour in the course of production and disposition over goods. Production management as a kind of practical activity of people has existed since ancient times. As a scientific category, production management appeared after the emergence of the science of production technology, which served as the beginning of the introduction of science into production process management, became the source of questions for study, measurement and design (2).

From a scientific point of view, modern production management should be considered as a system of interaction of a whole complex of economic, technical, economic, social, financial and many other functional relations and ongoing production processes at different levels of management (1, p. 20).

The first researchers of the main regularities and laws of science and important principles of rational production management were the American scientist, famous entrepreneur Frederick Winslow Taylor and Russian mechanical engineer, professor of the Imperial Technical School Nikolai Charnovsky.

The American rationalizer of human activity F. Taylor for the first time carried out the practical measurement of the duration of production work, substantiated the scientific classification of labour processes, proposed piecework wages for workers, and created a system of scientific production management. He was the first to introduce a research approach to improving the work practices performed as a constantly accompanying function of the production activity of people, and also published in 1906 the first scientific works: "Shop Management", "Scientific Production Management" (4) and others.

Simultaneously with F.W. Taylor, Russian Professor N.F. Charnovsky became the first researcher of the further development and application of the main scientific and practical provisions of rational production management in Russian industry and higher technical school. He was the first in the world to develop a new training course on production management (5), published the first domestic textbook "Management of Industrial Metal Processing Enterprises" in 1911.

Для Цитирования:
Bukhalkov M.I., Kuzmin M.A., Economic basis of rational labour and production organization at the enterprise. Нормирование и оплата труда в промышленности. 2021;4.
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