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УДК: 616-007 DOI: 10.33920/med-01-2008-05

Differential diagnosis of chiasmal-cellular cyst

Puzakov Nikita Sergeevich neurosurgeon, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, 6-8 L’va Tolstogo street, Saint-Petersburg, 197022. 89522877338, e-mail: n.puzakov@gmail.com, ORCID 0000-0003-2873-8763
Cherebillo Vladislav Yurievich Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Neurosurgery, Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University, Head of the Department of Neurosurgery, Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Professor of the Department of Neurosurgery, S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, 6-8 L›va Tolstogo St., Saint Petersburg, 197022, e-mail: cherebillo@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0001-6803-9954
Tregubenko Ilya Aleksandrovich Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, Teacher of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University, Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Activity, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 6-8 L›va Tolstogo Str., Saint Petersburg, 197022, e-mail: psy560@yandex.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-8836-5084
Kozak Evgeniy Igorevich Clinical Resident in Neurosurgery, Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University, 6-8 L›va Tolstogo Str., Saint Petersburg, 197022, e-mail: kozak.ei@yandex.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-8306-8486
Ryumina Yuliya Igorevna Clinical Resident in Neurosurgery, Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University, 6-8 L›va Tolstogo Str., Saint Petersburg, 197022, e-mail: juliaigorevnarmn@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0003-1455-4277
Puzakov N. S. e-mail: n.puzakov@gmail.com
Cherebillo V. Yu. e-mail: cherebillo@mail.ru
Tregubenko I. A. e-mail: psy560@yandex.ru
Kozak E. I. e-mail: kozak.ei@yandex.ru
Ryumina Yu. I. e-mail: juliaigorevnarmn@mail.ru

The clinical symptoms of chiasmal-cellular formations are similar, which significantly complicates its differential diagnostics. The differential diagnostics of chiasmal-cellular cysts, which include colloid cysts, arachnoid cysts, Rathke’s pouch cysts, epidermoid and dermoid cysts, is especially difficult. Nevertheless, an accurate preoperative differential diagnostics of chiasmal-cellular cysts is an important stage of preparation for surgical treatment, which allows determining the surgical tactics in advance, because each group of chiasmal-cellular cysts has its own features of surgical treatment, which significantly reduce the number of complications and minimize the number of recurrences. This study intended to improve the efficiency of diagnostics of the chiasmal-cellular cysts by determining the criteria for its differential diagnostics. 94 patients with chiasmal-cellular cysts and pituitary adenomas were examined and treated in the period of 2009 and 2018 for this purpose. As the most frequent pathology of the chiasmal-cellular area, pituitary adenomas were selected as a comparison group due to the fact that it is often necessary to differentiate chiasmal-cellular cysts with this pathology. Patients were divided into 5 groups according to the nosology of the disease. Clinical picture, laboratory analysis and MRI data were studied in each group. Statistical analysis and comparison of the data obtained among all groups were performed, and it allowed to determine the distinctive diagnostic features incidental to each group. It is possible to make an accurate preoperative diagnosis based on the specific features of differential diagnostics.


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The authors declare no conflict of interest

Despite the extensive experience gained by neurosurgeons in diagnosis and treatment of the chiasmosellar area disorders, there is still a number of relatively understudied nosologies because of their rarity. These nosologies include cysts of the chiasmosellar area, which make up colloidal cysts, arachnoid cysts, Rathke cleft cysts, epidermoid and dermoid cysts.

The clinical symptoms of neoplasms of the chiasmosellar area are similar, which complicates their differential diagnosis without neuroimaging research methods significantly. But even MRI does not necessarily allow to establish a precise diagnosis. A common situation is when any neoplasm in chiasmosellar area is described by a radiologist as a pituitary adenoma [1]. This is likely to be due to the fact that pituitary adenoma is the most common chiasmosellar area disorder. But this error can lead to a number of intra-surgical problems. Pre-surgical differential diagnosis of chiasmosellar cysts is an important stage in preparation for a surgery, which allows you to determine the surgical approach in advance. Each type of chiasmosellar area cysts has its own particular features of surgical technique, which allow to minimize the recurrences and reduce the complications [2–5].

Knowledge of differential diagnostic features of pituitary adenomas and various types of chiasmosellar area cysts would mitigate the cases of incorrect diagnosis and improve the treatment efficacy.

This study is intended to increase the efficacy of diagnosis of the chiasmosellar area cysts by defining the criteria for their differential diagnosis.

We have reviewed 1,740 case histories of the patients operated with transsphenoidal endoscopic access for neoplasms in the chiasmosellar area in 3 specialized neurosurgical departments of Federal Centres of the Russian Federation. The study enrolled 94 patients from the Neurosurgery Clinic of the Kirov Military Medical Academy, the Neurosurgery Department of the Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, and Neurosurgery Department No. 6 of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre in 2009–2018.

Для Цитирования:
Puzakov Nikita Sergeevich, Cherebillo Vladislav Yurievich, Tregubenko Ilya Aleksandrovich, Kozak Evgeniy Igorevich, Ryumina Yuliya Igorevna, For correspondence:, Puzakov N. S., Cherebillo V. Yu., Tregubenko I. A., Kozak E. I., Ryumina Yu. I., Differential diagnosis of chiasmal-cellular cyst. Вестник неврологии, психиатрии и нейрохирургии. 2020;8.
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