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УДК: 378 DOI:10.33920/nik-02-2012-03

Development of literature in the context of digital transformations

Kostina Anna Vladimirovna Director of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Research, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Culturology and Political Science of the Moscow University for the Humanities, PhD in Philosophy, PhD in Culturology, Professor 5, Yunosti str., Moscow, 111395, Russia Email address: Anna_Kostina@inbox.ru

The literature in the modern era cannot be considered outside the cultural context as a whole, and not only because the literary process reflects all the components of socio-cultural reality to some extent, but also because reality (primarily technical reality) significantly affects literature. And even the author's deliberate rejection of the era, social environment, dominant cultural attitudes, generally accepted forms and technologies does not allow him to be absolutely autonomous from the era in which he unfolds his creative activity. This article is devoted to the discussion of the features of literature functioning in the online society. The content of this article is useful for the formation of professional competencies of specialists in journalism and linguistics.


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One of the dominant tendencies here, perhaps, is the tendency for the transformation of the national specifics of thinking under the influence of the unified English-language newspeak. The modern spread of the English language is becoming a condition for the spread of a universal way of life and, in fact, one of the threats to the national security of any state. Currently, about 1.5 billion people use English as a means of communication. More than 90% of all information in the world wide web is stored in English, most computer programs and instructions for them are written in English, English becomes the language of world technical and scientific periodicals, the language of electronics, medicine and space technologies. Today, according to A. Giddens, although we all live locally, we speak a global language. Examples of such "language mutants" are Denglish in Germany and Singlish in Singapore.

At first glance, the problem of the influence of technological reality on the text of culture also seems absolutely clear. It is obvious, and this was shown at least half a century ago by M. McLuhan, D.S. Robertson, J. Friedman, and some other researchers - that "The Medium is the Message", i.e. the message itself is the means of communication. The thesis that the means of transmitting information has a fundamental impact not only on its content but also on the content of the entire socio-cultural reality, in such fundamental categories as space, time, the causality of events, does not require additional confirmation.

However, the very setting of technological determinism, according to which the change of means of communication is a fundamental factor in the change of historical epochs, requires comments. The mentioned concepts emphasize that modern electronic methods of transmitting information harmonize human relations, allowing to overcome the alienation between people, in contrast to the previous ones, which localize space and time and strengthen the noninvolvement of individuals in solving social problems. Nowadays, it is difficult to disagree with the thesis about the impact of modern communications on society – and, above all, online technologies, which were not mentioned by M. McLuhan at all because of their later entry into widespread social practices.

Для Цитирования:
Kostina Anna Vladimirovna, Development of literature in the context of digital transformations . Ученый совет. 2020;12.
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