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УДК: 008.001.8 DOI:10.33920/nik-01-2109-03

Cultural pluralism and modern world processes

Sofiya Igorevna Petrova Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technology (IMSIT) 5, Zipovskaya str., Krasnodar, 350010, Russia, E-mail: Sofya8888@Yandex.ru, ORCID: 0000-0002-0843-4327

The article reveals that modern globalization processes are complexly structured and have a complex configuration. By preventing globalization, countries strive to preserve their diversity, identity and cultural traditions, Cultural pluralism has become an outstanding feature of the world community. Within individual cultures, there are processes of increasing individual and group independence in defining cultural activities and cultural consumption.


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Received on February 12, 2021

Cultural globalization takes place mainly under the influence of mass media. The multimedia system forms, first of all, due to the efforts of business, not the state. This factor is critical to the nature of the new electronic culture. First of all, it is a huge entertainment system, despite the significant contribution of the mass media to education, health care and cultural enrichment. However, it should be borne in mind that this does not mean that people want to receive only entertainment from the mass media. Spanish postmodern sociologist M. Castells says that experiments sponsored by multimedia companies have proved that people are not ready to significantly increase the share of entertainment in their lives [1].

It would be an oversimplification if the analysis of cultural globalization ignored such tendencies as the resistance of cultures to unifying processes, their aspiration to strengthen their identity. Speaking about mass media, we should note the trend of diversification, which occurs simultaneously with globalization at the regional and content level so that small communities can preserve their culture and get a sense of spiritual unity. At the same time, there is an increase in the share of interactive services, which leads to a reorientation of consumer culture from passive to active. The intensity of information search, independent formation of business and entertainment programs has increased. As a result, people become less dependent on the producers of audiovisual "services" trying to impose certain products on them. As a result, the consumer market in the informational field of culture ceases to be massive and becomes more fragmented.

In general, in Europe, as well as in America or Asia, the mass media support a socio-cultural structure, which is characterized by the following features:

- great social and cultural differentiation, leading to the segmentation of users/viewers, readers/listeners. Information is not only segmented by the market following the strategies of the senders but is increasingly diversified by users who take advantage of interactive features following their interests;

Для Цитирования:
Sofiya Igorevna Petrova, Cultural pluralism and modern world processes. Вопросы культурологии. 2021;9.
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