Currently, the incidence of various primary neoplasms of the brain ranges from 7.42 to 13.9 per 100 thousand of the population and, according to several foreign studies, tends to further increase. [1]
Neuroepithelial tumours account for up to 58 % of all primary brain formations in adults. Brain gliomas are the most common neuroepithelial tumours. [2–5]
The second most common among primary intracranial tumours in adults is occupied by meningiomas of the brain. According to different authors, their occurrence varies from 18 to 34 %. [6–7]
In recent years, the results of the surgical intervention have significantly improved, the frequency of intraoperative complications, relapses, mortality has decreased, due to an increase in the arsenal of therapeutic effects on various neoplasms. [8]
Currently, the general principle in the treatment of patients with various brain tumours is oncotomy. [9]
Cerebral tumours are traditionally considered a disease with a high probability of death and disability of patients.
Defects of higher cortical functions, changes in the mental sphere and defects of intellectual and mnestic function are among the disabling clinical manifestations of gliomas and meningiomas of the brain.
The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in intellectual and mnestic disorders in patients with gliomas and meningiomas of the brain before and after surgical treatment.
Materials and Methods We conducted a study of patients hospitalized from September 2017 to October 2018, who underwent surgical intervention for glioma and meningioma of the brain at the Neurosurgical Department.
61 patients were studied (gender: 39 women and 22 men), 30 patients had a histologically confirmed diagnosis of cerebral glioma, 31 — cerebral meningioma. The age of the subjects varied from 25 to 65 years, the average age: 53.1 ± 9.8 years, the median: 57 (46/61) years. The diagnosis in the studied groups of patients was based on clinical and laboratory data, data from radiation and instrumental research methods.