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УДК: 394.014 DOI:10.33920/nik-01-2205-05

The market of Theravada Buddhism in folk culture of the Khmers in Vietnam

Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Tra Vinh University, ORCID: 0000-0002-5566-7465

Literature is a cultural phenomenon and literary works represent national cultural values. Cultural elements, including belief — religion, exist in relation to each other and are reflected in the phenomena and relationships in literature. For the Khmer in Vietnam, Theravada Buddhism is the main religion and the main factor influencing the Khmer's way of thinking and behavior in all aspects, including folklore. Through this article, by methods of statistics, classification, analysis, generalization, etc., the author presents the manifestations of the philosophy of cause and effect, the concept of filial piety of Theravada Buddhism through images. Symbols, artistic details in Khmer folklore works.


1. Central Population and Housing Census Steering Committee (2019). Results of the population and housing census at 0:00 on April 1, 2019. Statistical Publishing House, Hanoi.

2. The Executive Board of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (2018). Report on supporting activities of Khmer Theravada Buddhism (2004-2018). Hanoi, October 18, 2018.

3. Chu Xuan Dien (editor) (2002). Soc Trang folklore. Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House.

4. Chu Xuan Dien (editor) (2005). Bac Lieu folklore. Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House.

5. Nguyen Van Hoa (collector, editor) (2014). 100 Khmer folk songs. National Culture Publishing House.

6. Son Phuong Hoan (1995). Khmer proverbs and idioms. Education Publishing House.

7. Lam Qui (editor) (2010). Idioms, proverbs and riddles Khmer — Vietnamese. Volume 1. Education Publishing House.

8. Huynh Ngoc Trang (collected, compiled) (1983). Ancient Khmer Tales of the South. Culture Publishing House.

9. Committee for Ethnic Minorities (2017). Overview of the socio-economic status of 53 ethnic minorities based on the results of analysis of survey data on the socio-economic status of 53 ethnic minorities in 2015. PRPP Poverty Reduction Support Sub-Project — The Committee on Ethnic Minorities, funded by UNDP and Irish Aid, carried out the study.

The Khmer are an ethnic minority in Vietnam, an ethnic group with a unique folk culture, including a treasure of folklore quite complete in genre, rich in content and diverse in art. expression art. They love composing and popularizing their creations through daily activities, especially during festivals and traditional religious activities. From there, it shows that the cultural life of the Khmer people, including festivals and religions, has provided the environment and material for the sustainable vitality of Khmer folklore. Regarding religion, most Khmer people in Vietnam follow the beliefs of Theravada Buddhism — Theravada Buddhism. Buddhist philosophies and images of Khmer temples have a very important position in the life and spirit of the Khmer people, and are the sacred attachment of a person's life. And Khmer folklore is also under the illuminating light of Buddhist ethics to perform the function of reflecting different aspects of the socio-economic-cultural life of the Khmer.

From the statistical results of Khmer folklore works, the theoretical basis of folklore and Theravada Buddhism, the author will use Theravada Buddhist philosophies to explain the meaning of the details, the shapes and the details. artistic statues, etc. in the works to generalize into the basic characteristics of Buddhism in Khmer folklore. Through this study, the author hopes to contribute to affirming and preserving the unique cultural values of the Khmer people in Vietnam.

When considering works of folklore, the author determines to study details, artistic images, etc., which contain elements and messages bearing the colors of Theravada Buddhism, both close and at the same time. mystery. The spirit of Buddhism in Khmer folklore is the crystallization of wisdom — culture — religion of the whole Khmer nation over many generations.

The author uses statistical methods to synthesize Khmer folklore works in publications published in Vietnam. This statistical result, in addition to confirming the scientific value of the research, also contributes to the recognition of the magnitude of the Khmer folklore corpus that has been documented in Vietnam, as follows:

Для Цитирования:
, The market of Theravada Buddhism in folk culture of the Khmers in Vietnam. Вопросы культурологии. 2022;5.
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