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УДК: 597.0/5-11 DOI: 10.33920/sel-09-2009-02

Tempo of maturation and fecundity of the roach (Rutilus rutilus L., 1758) in the Volga river Channel, Rybinsk Reservoir

German A.V. Candidate of Biological Sciences, Research Assistant at the Immunology Laboratory, Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Nekouzsky District, Yaroslavl Region, Russia; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3817-2735; 152742, Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Nekouzsky District, Yaroslavl Region, Russia; e-mail: gera@ibiw.ru
Suvorova T.A. Research Officer at the Immunology Laboratory, Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Nekouzsky District, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9525-0878; 152742, Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Nekouzsky District, Yaroslavl Region, Russia; E-mail: tanya@ibiw.ru

Climate warming and immigration of a new dominant mollusca Dreissena bugensis can potentially lead to changing the breeding capacity of benthos feeder fish species, which live in Upper-Volga Reservoirs. The age of maturation, the structure of the spawning population, and fecundity are the main indicators of breeding. Along with the survival rate of hatchling and fishing pressure ratio, these indicators determine relative species abundance in fish fauna. The purpose of our work is to study the size and age of maturation beginning and fecundity dynamics of Rutilus rutilus in the Volga Channel, Rybinsk Reservoir. We determined individual absolute fecundity by counting eggs in fresh gonads sub-samples without using fixation. We determined the age of fish by scales, and we used vertebrae and operculum as additional factors. The performance indicated that the maturation beginning of females roach occurs at the age of 3+ and length of more than 9 cm. Late maturing females were at the age of 4+ and length of more than 18 cm. The beginning of male maturation could not be determined. The smallest caught males were 7-8 cm and already mature. The fish age limit reached 12+ years with a length of less than 32 cm. Individual absolute fecundity ranged from 1.75 to 178.46 thousand. The relative fecundity ranged from 79 to 308 eggs/g, and an average was 171. The performance concludes that the high absolute and relative fecundity, and the absence of dynamic pattern in the conditions of increasing yearly average temperature of the water and improving the food supply after immigrating Dreissena bugensis, can demonstrate achieving the limit kind of the breeding capacity of roach.


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Roach Rutilus rutilus (L., 1758) is a representative of boreal flat faunistic complex and is a core of current fish fauna of Rybinsk Reservoir. [12] Roach hatchling dominate the coastal groups of main biotopes: open littoral zones, protected shallow waters, coastal biotopes of rivers that fall into Rybinsk Reservoir. [23] The high roach number is due to the breeding capacity of the kind, along with the euryphagy, the undemanding to spawning gravels, and the resistance to rapid changes in temperature during the spawning period. The most important features of breeding are the structure of the spawning population, fecundity, and age (size) at which the maturation occurs [7, 10, 13, 15].

The timing of roach maturation are presented in several studies [3, 5, 8, 16, 18]. Authors focused on the age of appearing mature specimen and on the timing of a mass maturation. We found no data of age and size of late maturing roach specimens in available researches.

The number of works was dedicated to roach fecundity of Rybinsk Reservoir. Most of them were conducted in the channels of Volga [4, 5, 20, 25] and Mologa [8, 19], the Sit river, and the Main channel (centre of Rybinsk Reservoir) [24]. Fecundity was determined by the gravimetric sampling with gonad fixing in formalin solution or alcohol. In this work, we determined fecundity without gonad fixing, using wholemount of little spawn sub-samples to count the number of oocytes [17]. Previously, such a method was used by one of the authors, studying age dynamic of bream fecundity [6]. The study findings on roach fecundity, performed by Komova N.I. [25], became material for comparison.

The purpose of our work was to determine the timing of maturation and fecundity of roach of Rybinsk Reservoir.

The material was collected in 2013 - 2020 in the Volga Channel, Rybinsk Reservoir. We measured the length of fish to the end of scale covering (I, cm), the fish weight and gonads weight on electronic balance with 1 and 0.005g accuracy depending on the size of subsample. We determined the beginning of maturation by the presence in gonads the oocytes at the stage of trophoplasmic growth. For constructing ogive of maturation, we determined the mature level of 480 fish with a length from 7 to 20 cm. Scale, vertebrae and operculum determined the age of fish. Individual absolute fecundity (IAF) was determined by gravimetric sampling, based on the number of eggs in sub-samples of 100400 mg, which were taken out of fresh gonads in triplicate. We determined fecundity in 374 females roach with a length from 10.4 to 31.5 cm. Individual relative fecundity (IRF) was determined to the fish weight without gonads.

Для Цитирования:
German A.V., Suvorova T.A., Tempo of maturation and fecundity of the roach (Rutilus rutilus L., 1758) in the Volga river Channel, Rybinsk Reservoir. Рыбоводство и рыбное хозяйство. 2020;9.
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