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УДК: 311.17:338.431 HAC 08.00.12 DOI:10.33920/sel-11-2104-06

Statistical analysis of trends in agriculture of Russia during the implementation of state programs*

Kagirova Maria Vyacheslavovna Associate Professor Department of Statistics and Сybernetics, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, academic title — Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, 127550, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya St., 49, phone 89104644512, Е-mail: Kagirovamary@gmail.com
Khudyakova Elena Viktorovna Professor Department of Applied Informatics, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, academic title — Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, 127550, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya St., 49, phone 84999778664, Е-mail: khud.elena2017@yandex.ru
Dzhikiya Konstantin Akakievich candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Organizations and entrepreneurship, Russian state agrarian University, 127550, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya St., 49, E-mail: dka1955@mail.ru
Butyrin Vasily Vladimirovich Professor Department of World Economy and Marketing, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, academic title — Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, 127550, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya St., 49, phone 84999760524, Е-mail: v.butyrin@rgau-msha.ru

The purpose of development and implementation of state programs in the agricultural sector of Russia, starting from the priority national project of development of agroindustrial complex in 2006, is the formation of conditions for transition processes of production and distribution of agricultural products to a qualitatively new level. Modern agriculture should be high-tech to meet the needs of the population in quality products and increase export potential while maintaining and expanding the resource base of industries, reducing dependence on imports of its elements. Based on methods of grouping and analytical alignment of time series, the study of the structure of the use of gross output and intermediate consumption of agriculture, this paper identifies trends in the growth of agricultural production in the period from 2005 to 2019, the particular contribution of regions in their formation, increasing the level of marketable products in accordance with the market economy, the growth of export of milk, meat and grain. At the same time, it is noted that production remains dependent on imports of seed, planting material, breeding stock, poultry, elements of information production technologies, which violates the principles of food security of the country as the main task of agricultural development.


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6. Ushachev I.G. Strategic directions for the development of agriculture in Russia in the context of deepening integration into the EAEU / I.G. Ushachev, A.G. Paptsov, N.K. Dolgushkin, A.F. Serkov, V.V. Maslova, V.S. Chekalin. — M.: RAS. — 2017. — 48 p.

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Article received on December 3, 2020.

Development is commonly regarded as a complex process, the "highest" type of movement in society [2], leading to the transition of the system to a qualitatively new level. Development in agriculture involves the implementation of processes to improve production technologies, storage, and marketing of products, related structural changes in the elements of multi-structure agriculture, resource potential, aimed at the fullness and simplicity of meeting the needs of the population in the products of adequate quality and industry - in the raw material base.

Russian agriculture, which had passed the following stages in its development until the 2000s: automation (1967-1980), electronization (1980-1990), informatization (1990 - early 2000s) [4], is currently facing the challenge of intensive large-scale transformation of production processes formed by the requirements of global digitalization. At the same time, the agricultural sector of Russia faces the task of developing export potential in terms of import substitution, expanding the scale of organic production, conservation, and sustainable development of rural areas. The relevant issue is the study of conditions for the development of agriculture in Russia in these areas. The long absence of conditions for investment in domestic agriculture has led to lagging behind developed market economies in the use of information technologies at all stages of product creation, animal productivity, crop yields [5]. Particular attention should be paid to the study of the effectiveness of agricultural producers, since at this stage, the application of modern technologies in most enterprises is carried out at their own expense, despite the existence of special programs of state support [1].

Many publications of domestic and foreign economists are devoted to the study of the directions of agricultural development in Russia and abroad at the present stage. Most of them note the strategic need to intensify the agricultural sector of the economy [6-9] to ensure the food security of the country at a qualitatively new level with the full inclusion of agricultural production in the formation of the digital economy.

Для Цитирования:
Kagirova Maria Vyacheslavovna, Khudyakova Elena Viktorovna, Dzhikiya Konstantin Akakievich, Butyrin Vasily Vladimirovich, Statistical analysis of trends in agriculture of Russia during the implementation of state programs*. Бухучет в сельском хозяйстве. 2021;4.
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