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УДК: 597.553.2 DOI:10.33920/sel-09-2112-01

Siberian whitefish Coregonus lavaretus pidschian (gmelin, 1788) Khatanga river basin

Yurii Vladimirovich Budin Postgraduate student, Department of Breeding, Genetics, Biology and Aquatic Biological Resources, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University; Leading Specialist, Laboratory of Ichthyology, Krasnoyarsk branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk), 33 Parizhskoy Kommuny Str., Krasnoyarsk 660097, Russian Federation, e-mail: budin0510@mail.ru, ORCID: 0000-0003-3201-7045
Vladimir Anatolievich Zadelenov Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Breeding, Genetics, Biology and Aquatic Biological Resources, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University; Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Ichthyology, Krasnoyarsk branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk), 33 Parizhskoy Kommuny Str., Krasnoyarsk 660097, Russian Federation, e-mail: zadelenov58@ mail.ru, ORCID: 0000-0002-3115-6759
Sofya Fauzelevna Farkhutdinova Bachelor’s Degree Student, Laboratory Assistant, Department of Breeding, Genetics, Biology and Aquatic Biological Resources, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk), 33 Parizhskoy Kommuny Str., Krasnoyarsk 660097, Russian Federation, e-mail: s.farhutdinova@gmail.com, ORCID: 0000-0002-3332-0401

The findings of a morphological and ecological study of three sympatric forms of whitefish from the Khatanga River basin, Taimyr Peninsula, Krasnoyarsk Krai are presented. Statistically significant differences in plastic and meristic features between all compared forms were revealed. The most significant values of meristic traits were found by the number of gill rakers (between fluvial and fluviolacustrine tₛₜ=3.55), fluvial and lacustrine (tₛₜ=8.92), fluviolacustrine and lacustrine (tₛₜ=6.72). Significant differences were revealed in the number of scales in the lateral line when comparing fluvial and fluviolacustrine forms (tₛₜ=3.16), fluvial and lacustrine forms (tₛₜ=2.85). Significant differences were noted in plastic features between fluvial and lacustrine whitefish: in the length of the head (between fluvial and fluviolacustrine tₛₜ=5.49, fluvial and lacustrine tₛₜ=5.49); in terms of antedorsal distance: fluvial and fluviolacustrine (tₛₜ=2.67), fluvail and lacustrine (tₛₜ=4.40); by eye diameter between fluviolacustrine and lacustrine (tₛₜ=6.89), fluvial and lacustrine (tₛₜ=9.42). The comparison of morphological features of lacustrine, fluviolacustrine and fluvial forms of whitefish in the basin of the Khatanga River with those from other water bodies in northern Siberia was carried out. Differences in meristic and plastic features are shown. It was revealed that the age range of fluvial whitefish in catches is represented by 9 age groups (4+ – 12+), fluviolacustrine – 13 (6+ – 18+), lacustrine –4 (13+ – 17+). The distribution and migration of all forms of whitefish in the river basin are given on the basis of our observations and literary sources. The nutrition of individual forms has been studied, the basis of the whitefish diet is benthic organisms: caddisflies, chironomids, molluscs and amphipods.


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33. Zadelenov, V. A., Forina, Yu. Yu., Dyldin, Yu. V. Annotated list and current state of ich- thyofauna of the Pyasina River system (Eastern Siberia) with some taxonomic remarks. In: Lampetra IX: bulletin pro výzkum a ochranu biodiverzity tekoucích a stojatých vod [Lampetra IX: a bulletin for research and protection of the biodiversity of running and stagnant waters], ZO ČSOP Publ., Vlašim, 9. 2020. pp. 178-214.

Among the most common representatives of whitefish throughout Siberia (including the water bodies of the Taimyr Peninsula) is the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus pidschian, represented by numerous forms and races throughout its vast range [22; 23], which has a high morphological and genetic variability [1; 3; 6; 7; 9–13; 20; 26; 28; 32; 33].

In the Khatanga basin, whitefish is distributed everywhere from the upper reaches of the Kheta and Kotuy rivers to the Khatanga Bay. It occurs in large tributaries of the Maimeche, Bolshaya and Malaya Balakhna, and Popigai rivers. Widely distributed in the continental (Labaz, Chaikino, Podkhrebetnoe, Tonovskoye, etc.) and floodplain lakes. The most widespread are lacustrine and fluviolacustrine forms. In large lakes, whitefish are subdivided into coastal, deep-water, and pelagic ones with different feeding habits, from typical planktophages to typical benthophages. Some whitefish are predatory. These whitefish differ in terms of spawning: fluvial and lacustrine whitefish spawn at the end of November-December, fluviolacustrine - in the third decade of September to the second decade of October. According to the same criteria, many authors divide these whitefishes into forms (subpopulations) [12; 15; 19; 22; 26]. Three forms of whitefish were previously identified in the Khatanga basin: fluviolacustrine, lacustrine, and fluvial [15–17].

The material for the publication was collected in 2013–2019 in the Khatanga River basin. The work uses critically analyzed survey data from commercial fishermen and the local population on the distribution of whitefish in water bodies of the river basin, such as the Popigai, Volochanka, Kheta, Kotuy, Khatanga and Khatanga Bay rivers.

Whitefish were caught at water temperatures ranging from 4°C to 10°C. Cast nets 70 to 150 m long, 1.5–5 m high, with a mesh size of 10 mm in the wings and mote, and fixed gillnets with a landing height of 3 and 6 m and a mesh of 50–65 mm were used as fishing gear. Seine casting was carried out in the evening from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. (the Khatanga River) and in the daytime (the Kheta and Kotuy rivers) in the coastal zone, at depths from 1 to 5 m. The exposure of the nets was 24 hours.

Для Цитирования:
Yurii Vladimirovich Budin, Vladimir Anatolievich Zadelenov, Sofya Fauzelevna Farkhutdinova, Siberian whitefish Coregonus lavaretus pidschian (gmelin, 1788) Khatanga river basin. Рыбоводство и рыбное хозяйство. 2021;12.
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