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УДК: 657(075), VAK 08.00.12 DOI:10.33920/sel-11-2101-01

Reporting for the purpose of inter-organizational management accounting of agricultural enterprises*

Khoruzhii Liudmila Ivanovna PhD in Economics, Professor at the Accounting Department, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy 49 Timiryazevskaya str., Moscow, 127550 E-mail: 07@timacad.ru
Katkov Iurii Nikolaevich PhD Candidate in Economics, Associate Professor at the Economic Security, Analysis and Audit Department, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy 49 Timiryazevskaya str., Moscow, 127550 E-mail: kun95@yandex.ru
Gupalova Tat'iana Nikolaevna PhD Candidate in Economics, Associate Professor at the Economic Security, Analysis and Audit Department, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy 49 Timiryazevskaya str., Moscow, 127550 E-mail: gupalova@yandex.ru
Romanova Anastasiia Alekseevna Postgraduate Student, Institute of Economics and Management in Agribusiness, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy 49 Timiryazevskaya str., Moscow, 127550 E-mail: romanovargaymsha@mail.ru

Based on theoretical analysis, the article defines inter-organizational cooperation, interorganizational management accounting, and inter-organizational management reporting. The article proposes a composition of management accounting reports for agricultural organizations in the framework of business partnerships, shows the advantages of using this type of reporting and possible difficulties of implementing such a system of report forms. On the example of agricultural enterprises, the article identifies the structure and content of management accounting for use in inter-organizational cooperation


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The article was received on September 7, 2020.

The direction of Russia's economic development was determined by the transition from the socialist system to democracy and the market economy with its multifaceted and dynamically developing forms of partnership relations. In modern conditions of economic management, rapidly changing competitive advantages and accelerating scientific and technological development, organizations are often exposed to various influences that lead to point changes resulting from this impact. Such a change in the main internal criteria for the functioning of an economic entity requires significant efforts including finances and time. Cardinal changes always meet the resistance of various divisions, departments, structural units of an organization; a set of measures is taken to maintain stability and increase the level of a company's economic security. The analysis shows that the resistance to changes in the organization is directly proportional to the efforts made for the changes, which means that the more dynamic the external environment, the higher the desire for stability. The reconfiguration of the organization is a tool for maintaining its economic security on the way to adaptation in the changing conditions of the external environment. The theoretical analysis showed the desire of scientists to develop a model of the organization that will be able to adapt according to the changing internal conditions of business and the external environment. Building a system of inter-organizational management accounting as part of the accounting and the analytical system is important to ensure the economic security of all members of the business cooperation. One of the fundamental stages of setting up management accounting for members of business cooperation is the development of management reporting within the framework of inter-organizational management accounting of agribusiness organizations.

The purpose of the study is to consolidate terminology characterizing managerial accounting in the context of inter-organizational relations; to develop a management reporting algorithm within the business cooperation framework of the agrosphere organizations; to develop indicators and forms of management reporting for decision-making purposes within the framework of interorganizational management accounting.

Для Цитирования:
Khoruzhii Liudmila Ivanovna, Katkov Iurii Nikolaevich, Gupalova Tat'iana Nikolaevna, Romanova Anastasiia Alekseevna, Reporting for the purpose of inter-organizational management accounting of agricultural enterprises*. Бухучет в сельском хозяйстве. 2021;1.
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