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УДК: 37.026 DOI:10.33920/nik-02-2102-01

Pros and cons of remote education during the coronavirus pandemic

Bashmakova Elena Ismailovna Senior Lecturer, Applied Information Science Department, Moscow University for the Humanities 5 Yunosti Str., Moscow, 111395, Russia, E-mail: elbashmakova@mail.ru

An overview of the positive and negative aspects of remote education for teachers and students during the coronavirus pandemic is presented, problems and main growth areas of online learning are identified.


1. Bashmakova E.I. Elektronnaia informatsionno-obrazovatel'naia sreda vuza kak sostavliaiushchaia chast' tsifrovizatsii obrazovaniia. Analiz soderzhaniia komponentov struktury [Electronic Information Educational Environment of a University as Part of the Education Digitalization. Content Analysis of the Structure Components]. Academic Council, 2020, No. 2, pp. 47-55.

2. Obshchestvo i pandemiia: opyt i uroki bor'by s COVID-19 v Rossii [Society and the Pandemic: Experience and Lessons Learned from Combating COVID-19 in Russia], Moscow, 2020, pp. 230-246. [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.ranepa.ru/pdf/ images/News/2020-10/COVID.pdf.html.

3. Peskovsky E.A. Ochnoe VS distantsionnoe onlain-obrazovanie v pedagogicheskom universitete: kul'turnye riski i professional'nye ugrozy tsifrovykh pedagogicheskikh innovatsii [Classroom VS Remote Online Education at a Teachers University: Cultural Risks and Professional Threats of Digital Teaching Innovations]. Digital Humanities and Technologies in Education (DHTE 2020): Book of the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference with International Participation, November 19-21, 2020, Мoscow: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, 2020, pp. 456–463. [Electronic resource] URL: https://psyjournals.ru/dhte2020/issue/.

4. Savrasova A.N. Issledovanie distantsionnogo obucheniia v usloviiakh ogranichitel'nykh mer: otsenki prepodavatelei [Research of Remote Education under the Conditions of Restrictive Measures: Teacher Evaluations]. Digital Humanities and Technologies in Education (DHTE 2020): Book of the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference with International Participation, November 19-21, 2020, Мoscow: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, 2020, pp. 425–430 [Electronic source] URL: https://psyjournals.ru/dhte2020/issue/.

5. Musienko S.O. Rol' prepodavatelia v distantsionnoi forme obucheniia pri poluchenii vysshego obrazovaniia [The Role of Teacher in Remote Higher Education]. Digital Humanities and Technologies in education (DHTE 2020): Book of the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference with International Participation, November 19-21, 2020, Мoscow: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, 2020, pp. 451– 455 [Electronic source] URL: https://psyjournals.ru/dhte2020/issue/.

6. Utkina A.E. Onlain-obuchenie — bol'she ne trend, eto novaia real'nost' [Online Learning is no Longer a Trend, it is a New Reality]. Digital Humanities and Technologies in education (DHTE 2020): Book of the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference with International Participation, November 19-21, 2020, Мoscow: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, 2020, pp. 153–157 [Electronic source] URL: https:// psyjournals.ru/dhte2020/issue.

The coronavirus has forced educational institutions to switch from face-toface teaching to online mode. The epidemiological crisis has accelerated the development of digital educational technologies, as compared to using them randomly in traditional education, remote education in 2020 became virtually the only way to implement the educational process. The complex epidemiological situation has shown us the importance of online teaching and online learning has emerged as a new reality. Educational institutions are experimenting with different options of online teaching approaches and technologies and are trying to implement the educational activities in a more efficient and quality manner.

At this stage, improving the quality of online learning is crucial. Teachers have completely changed their teaching approach to cope with the new conditions and adapt to changing situations. There are two ways, in which educational technology is evolving at this 'remote' time: online teaching methods for quality education and the introduction of online learning in educational institutions on a massive scale.

Since the beginning of the mass transition to remote education in March 2020, personal experience of remote interaction with students, the use of various programs for distance education management has been accumulated. Analysis of the use of mass transition to remote education practices allows identifying the pros and cons, challenges and growth areas of online learning.


1. The advantage of this education mode is high mobility and accessibility. With online learning, we can teach a large number of students at any time and in any part of the world. The student has the opportunity to study the discipline at a comfortable pace, in any space [5]. Lectures and seminars can also be accessed from cell phones, but not just laptops and computers. Thanks to online learning, access to education is open to all participants in education; it can cover students in remote areas [6].

Для Цитирования:
Bashmakova Elena Ismailovna, Pros and cons of remote education during the coronavirus pandemic. Ученый совет. 2021;2.
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