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УДК: UDC 657.1 HAC 08.00.12 DOI:10.33920/sel-11-2109-02

Peculiarities of calculating the cost of essential oil crops

E. I. Kostiukova PhD in Economics, Professor of the Department of Management Accounting, Stavropol State Agrarian University; E-mail: elena-kostyukova@yandex.ru
T.A. Neshchadimova PhD Candidate in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit, Stavropol State Agrarian University; E-mail: bashkatovata@yandex.ru
V.I. Khoruzhiy PhD in Economics, Professor, Department of Tax Administration, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49 Leningradsky Avenue, Moscow, 125167; E-mail: vhoruzhiy@yandex.ru
K.A. Dzhikiya PhD Candidate in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department "Entrepreneurship", Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy; 49 Timiryazevskaya str., Moscow, 127550; E-mail: dka1955@mail.ru

The article contains practical recommendations for calculating the cost of essential oil crops. A multi-level structure of account 20, which will allow obtaining information on the cost structure for each cultivated crop, has been proposed. An updated nomenclature of calculation items is presented, taking into account the specifics of growing essential oil crops, and a methodology for calculating the cost of finished products is considered.


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2. Fastova, E.V. Methodological recommendations on accounting for production costs and calculating the cost of production (works, services) in agricultural organizations . Approved by Order No. 792 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of June 6, 2003 / E.V. Fastova, L.I. Khoruzhy, N.G. Belov, A.I. Pavlychev, V.I. Khoruzhy, K.A. Dzhikiya, N.N. Khorokhordin, R.A. Alborov, A.N. Kokarev. — Moscow: Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 2003. — 205 p.

3. Fastova, E.V. Methodological recommendations on accounting of costs and output of products in crop production: approved. By order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Approved by order of October 22, 2008 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation / E.V. Fastova, L.I. Khoruzhy, N.G. Belov, A.I. Pavlychev, V.I. Khoruzhy, K.A. Dzhikiya, N.N. Khorokhordin, R.A. Alborov, A.N. Kokarev. — Moscow: Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 2008. — 102 p.

4. Fastova, E.V. Methodological recommendations for the organization of primary accounting in agricultural organizations / E.V. Fastova, L.I. Khoruzhy, N.G. Belov, A.I. Pavlychev, R.V. Kostina, L.V. Postnikova, V.M. Romadikova, V.I. Khoruzhy, M.A. Shadrina, R.A. Alborov, S.M. Kontsevaya, N.A. Kokarev, V.A. Matchinov, V.A. Negoda, K.A. Dzhikiya, B.N. Khosiev. — Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 2009. — 208 p.

5. Khoruzhy L.I. Problems of theory, methodology, methodology and organization of managerial accounting in agriculture. — M.: Finance and statistics, 2004. — 496 p.

6. Khoruzhy, L.I. Accounting of production costs and calculation of production costs in agricultural organizations / L.I. Khoruzhy, K.A. Dzhikiya, V.I. Khoruzhy. — M.: Publishing House "Alfa-Press", 2005. — 224 p.

Pursuing the goal of rational organization of planning, accounting and control of production costs in each entity, taking into account the peculiarities of the technological process and arrangement of the main and auxiliary production, it is important to determine the optimal method for calculating the cost of production, the detailing of the cost items allowing determining the cost of production as accurately as possible, without complication of calculation methods, economically sound structure of analytical accounting of main and auxiliary production. Entities engaged in the production of essential oil crops as one of the most promising and developing areas of agriculture were selected as the object of research.

The purpose of the research: determination of the methodology for accounting for costs and calculating the cost of essential oil crops and the formation of proposals for its optimization.

Research objectives: based on studying the regulatory framework governing the procedure for accounting for costs and calculating the cost of essential oil crops, analyzing the specifics of accounting for essential oil crops, determine the objects and methodology for calculating the cost of products of the essential oil industry.

Regulatory legal acts, monographic and specialized literature on the research topic were investigated. The writing of the article assumed the use of general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis.

One of the really promising areas of agriculture that will raise the economy to a new level is the cultivation of spicy and essential oil crops. The domestic market for these crops ranges from 600 million rubles up to 1 billion US dollars, while the world market reaches 12 billion US dollars. At the same time, almost more than 90% of this raw material is purchased by our food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries abroad, although the country has all the necessary conditions for their cultivation.

The natural and climatic conditions of Stavropol Krai make it possible to grow more than 80% of the world's most popular spicy and essential oil crops. It is worth noting that any special use of chemical plant protection products is not required and the products, in this case, are actually environmentally friendly.

Для Цитирования:
E. I. Kostiukova, T.A. Neshchadimova, V.I. Khoruzhiy, K.A. Dzhikiya, Peculiarities of calculating the cost of essential oil crops . Бухучет в сельском хозяйстве. 2021;9.
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