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УДК: 662.46 DOI:10.33920/pro-2-2107-02

Multi-tool machining in complex process automation

Istomin A.B., Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow
Gemba I.N., PhD Candidate in Engineering, associate professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow
Lizunov I.V., Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow

The article analyzes the influence of errors from elastic deformations on the accuracy of machining under conditions of complex automation. Different variants of multi-tool machining are considered: parallel machining when different tools are engaged in the machining of workpiece surfaces one after another, and parallel-sequential machining when different workpiece surfaces are machined simultaneously by several tools in the working position. Design automation in mechanical engineering production is part of the integrated problem of engineering work automation in all spheres of modern production system functioning. Consequently, the creation of design automation systems should consider its links in the overall complex automation of engineering activities in the production cycle. In general, the automation of the engineer job planning, design and engineering preparation of production, management of the production system. The choice of profitable cutting modes in multi-tool machining is a complex task since, along with considering the operating characteristics of each tool, it is necessary to make a general analysis of the entire adjustment, i.e., the set of tools used on the machine and the distribution of machining transitions between them. Mechanical engineering production is currently characterized by the desire to constantly update the range of products. The requirements of multi-nomenclature production can be met subject to its automation, which covers both the automation of production preparation and its control. The article gives recommendations to reduce the error from elastic deformations under conditions of complex automation.


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The task of technological design automation for modern mechanical engineering is extremely important and relevant. Its solution will ensure the reduction of time for the introduction of new design developments into production and increase its efficiency. However, the solution to this problem is associated with certain difficulties. This is due to both the peculiarities of the traditionally considered creative process and the increasing requirements of modern machine-building production for automated systems. Modern mechanical engineering production is multi-nomenclature, with frequent change of produced items, their increased structural complexity, a large number of original and unique design solutions, the implementation of which is accompanied by high requirements for quality, reliability, and service life of products. The increase in structural complexity, quality of products, and their rapid update can be observed everywhere in all areas of mechanical engineering.

In the transition to a market economy, requirements (processes and their equipment) in improving its quality have especially increased.

Multi-tool machining is defined by the large number of tools used to machine workpieces on a single machine. Machining of parts on multi-tooling lathes allows machining different workpiece surfaces both sequentially and in parallel. Reducing the main and auxiliary times results in increased productivity as well as higher machining accuracy.

Multi-tooling is performed on multi-cutting lathes, turret lathes, multi-spindle automatic machines, and semi-automatic machines with several slides for securing cutting tools. On turret lathes, tools are fastened both on cross slides and in the turret [1-6].

The cutting tools on the cross slides are usually used for cutting and grooving workpieces as well as for chamfering.

End tools (drills, countersinks, reamers), as well as cutting tools mounted in special holders, are mounted on the turret.

Для Цитирования:
Istomin, Gemba, Lizunov, Multi-tool machining in complex process automation. Главный механик. 2021;7.
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