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УДК: 621.914.1 DOI:10.33920/pro-2-2112-02

Interaction of enterprises with different levels of automation

Ganina G.E. PhD Candidate in Engineering, Associate Professor, е-mail: galya.ganina@yandex.ru
Ostrovsky Yu.A. PhD Candidate in Engineering, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, е-mail: yost@bmstu.ru Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow 46th Central Research Institute, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Yakovleva A.P. PhD Candidate in Engineering, Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow 5, Vtoraya Baumanskaya st., Moscow, 1050055 10, Chukotsky Proyezd, Moscow, 129327

An approach to the choice of models and methods for describing the relationship between enterprises of different levels of automation is described. Research in the field of labour transformations turns out to be fruitful because the role of creativity revealed in this case becomes decisive in establishing interactions between enterprises of different levels of automation. It is demonstrated that the best models are those based on the laws of labour transformations, in which the main place is occupied by the phenomenon of creativity. It is necessary to determine the "producing" capabilities of an enterprise and under what conditions, namely in what external environment, this interaction can occur to assess the usefulness of the interaction of enterprises with each other. It was established that the formation of "capital" in the form of the creative potential of the system, which can now participate as a "converging" component in many calculations, is very promising for further developments. It is obvious that relations between enterprises of different levels of automation develop in different ways, and it is possible to describe them formally and objectively only if patterns common to all situations are found. This article describes an approach to finding and utilizing such regularities in practice.


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9. Ganina G.E., Mukhin A.V., Ostrovsky Yu.A., Yakovleva A.P. Upravlenie proektami reformirovaniia promyshlennosti: monografiia [Industrial Reform Project Management: Monograph]. Moscow: Publishing House of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, 2020, 199 pages.

The existing classification of enterprises according to the level of automation divides them into enterprises of partial automation, complex automation and full automation.

The actual practice is such that at the same time and in one place there can be enterprises of different levels of automation completeness. If two (or several) enterprises are connected by a technological chain within the frames of production of a certain product, then the issue of the need for their interaction is not discussed. However, if there is no common technological chain, then the issue of how expedient it is to interact with an enterprise that has a different degree of automation arises inevitably.

It is obvious that relations between enterprises of different levels of automation develop in different ways, and it is possible to describe them formally and objectively only if patterns common to all situations are found. This article describes an approach to finding and utilizing such regularities in practice.

It should be noted that the emphasis in the study of such patterns is on the discussion of the role of the creative factor released as a result of automation. In the future, it will be shown that the released creativity is important not only for the automated enterprise but also for another enterprise that interacts with it.

For convenience and certainty, it is useful to present the hierarchy of enterprises according to the degree of automation completeness in the form of a diagram (Fig. 1)

The essence of FAP, CAP, and PAP is described in many publications (for example, in [1]) and does not require clarification. It is required to explain the concept of "universal production (UP)" introduced here, which is based on units of equipment that are diverse in terms of technological properties and are controlled by machine operators. The control of the equipment by workers-"generalists" points to the fact that there is almost no automation in production. The inclusion of UP in the enterprise hierarchy (Fig. 1) means that, by the general trend of production automation, UP will over time inevitably become automated enterprises, that now are only contenders for this role.

Для Цитирования:
Ganina G.E., Ostrovsky Yu.A., Yakovleva A.P., Interaction of enterprises with different levels of automation. Главный механик. 2021;12.
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