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УДК: 316.424 DOI:10.33920/pol-01-2102-02

Impact of online media on the socialisation and inclusion of the young in the digital age

Elena Nikolaevna Malik PhD Candidate in Political Science, Associate Professor, Employee at the Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of the Russian Federation., Е-mail: malik57-elena@mail.ru

The article is devoted to the expansion of network mass media technologies that have conditioned the evolution of modern youth life in the global information society. Internet communications, generating a virtual dimension of reality, represent a new environment for youth interactive communities and implementation of political communications. The author has reasoned that in the digital age network media became the most important institution of political socialisation of the younger generation. The analysis of priority media policy directions of political members with the use of digital and network technologies showed that this mechanism is rapidly developing.


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The rapid expansion of the Internet, especially the mobile web, has led to social media reformatting the communication space. The information content being shared on the internet forms the basic attitudes of network actors regarding socio-political events and phenomena, educates, contributes to their integration or disintegration, and exchanges ideas, which are used for the good of or to the detriment of society.

Today, virtual youth communities have increased the information flow promptly directed from the social system to the political system. Modern mass media are actively globalised and social networks, as open internet resources intended for information exchange and communication, are developing [7]. Under the influence of globalization, a large number of local youth communities are being developed nowadays; they are network nodes in the social web space that are aligned based on the similarity of motivations and interests. Therefore, close attention should be paid not only to dealing with young people at the level of public associations and traditional social institutions but also symbolic and semantic interactions in the framework of youth mobile communication are to be studied. Following the analysis of virtual social networks, the following conclusions should be drawn up regarding youth involvement in the mobile communication process:

• firstly, the acquisition of new social experiences as well as socialisation in the cyberspace environment

• secondly, the attractiveness of «communication autonomy», the online space dynamism, active world cognition

• thirdly, the use of technical innovations, game interaction, as well as Internet technologies in order to obtain information and communication.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the power of communication and information flows cannot be controlled in the network interaction. Consequently, the Internet is becoming a processing tool used to influence people's thoughts, a fundamental source of power.

Для Цитирования:
Elena Nikolaevna Malik, Impact of online media on the socialisation and inclusion of the young in the digital age. Социальная политика и социальное партнерство. 2021;2.
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