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УДК: 332 DOI:10.33920/sel-04-2107-01

Historical aspect and modern features of forest management, forest economics, and Sustainable forest use organization system

M.P. Burov Ph.D. in Economics, Professor, Advisor to the Rector of the State University of Land Management on University Development, Head of the Center for Innovative Programs and Interregional Relations of the Institute for Regional Economic Research, E-mail: info@guz.ru

The process of transformation of the role and importance of forests and forestry complex of the country for the past century is analyzed in the historical aspect. Modern features of the system of forest management, forest economy, and organization of sustainable forest use, as well as the reasons for their emergence, are disclosed. Recommendations and proposals for solving a number of problems associated with the rational use of forests, fire prevention, the fight against mismanagement in the implementation of the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 were given. Particular attention is paid to the need to create a correct economic model, to consider the specifics of the forest economy associated with the longterm period of forest cultivation, their multi-purpose importance, as well as the requirements of the organization and planning of the system of measures for the use and reproduction of forests.


1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 312-r dated 11.02.2021 "On approval of the strategy for the development of the forestry sector of the Russian Federation until 2030".

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of No. 151-r dated 02.02.2015 "On Approval of the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Rural Territories of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030".

3. The Forest Code of the Russian Federation No. 200-FZ dated December 4, 2006.

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8. M.P. Burov Food security and conceptual approaches to improving agricultural policy and public administration of the country's economy // International Agricultural Journal, 2014, No. 6, pp. 68-71.

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10. M.P. Burov, V.S. Gorbunov On the issue of the methodology of forming the strategy of development of the national economy // Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2017, No. 4-1 (81), pp. 114-121.

11. G.F. Morozov The Doctrine of Forest Types: A Textbook, Moscow: Selkhozgiz, 1930.

12. G.R. Entingen Influence of stand density on stand growth // Lesnoy zhurnal, 1918, No. 6/8, pp. 21-59.

13. URL: https://tass.ru/ekonomika/11040023.

14. URL: https://www.vedomosti.ru/business/articles/2021/01/24/-lesnihinspektorov.

Forest resources rightfully belong to the most important elements of the geographical environment, one of the permanent and necessary conditions of the material life of civil society.

High physical and chemical properties of wood, valuable chemical composition, relative cheapness, and ease of processing have provided it extremely wide application in various sectors of the national economy.

The forest plays a major role as a factor influencing the microclimate: it contributes to an increase in precipitation and air humidity, a decrease in evaporation and wind strength, snow retention, and more uniform snow melting, as well as a more correct regime of plain and especially mountain rivers.

The forest also affects the level of groundwater, the mechanical and chemical composition of soils, the amount of precipitation, etc. The forest prevents soil erosion, washing away the fertile cover. The forest is also of significant importance as a habitat for many useful plants and valuable game animals and birds.

The national economic significance of the forest is enhanced by the fact that clear-cut forest stands, under certain conditions, can be renewed indefinitely; moreover, forests can be artificially grown in places where they have never been before.

The significance of the forest in the historical development of society is very great; at the same time, it varies at different stages of social development. The material conditions for the existence of primitive people were associated exclusively with the forest. Their subsistence depended on wild fruits, and their labor activity was mostly limited to hunting and gathering fruits and nuts.

Society's transition to farming marks the beginning of the decline of forests.

The forest hindered the farmer in spreading agriculture wide.

The development of large-scale machinery, metalworking, glassmaking, sawmilling, pulp and paper, and metallurgy led to further depredation of forests.

Для Цитирования:
M.P. Burov, Historical aspect and modern features of forest management, forest economics, and Sustainable forest use organization system. Землеустройство, кадастр и мониторинг земель. 2021;7.
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