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УДК: 616–002.51 DOI:10.33920/med-08-2102-01

Effectiveness evaluation of COVID-19 preventive and anti-epidemic measures among patients and medical personnel in anti-tuberculosis hospital during the pandemic

Temirov Nemat Moidunovich PhD Candidate in Medicine, associate professor, head of the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jalal-Abad State University, 57 Lenin str., Jalal-Abad, 720900, Kyrgyz Republic, e-mail: Nemat.Temirov@mail.ru
Mamyrova Kanykey Kanybekovna PhD student, Faculty of Medicine, Osh State University, 331 Lenin str., Osh, 714000, Kyrgyz Republic, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5874-5281, e-mail: m.kanykey@bk.ru
Abdimomunova Begimay Toktobolotovna lecturer, International Medical Faculty, Osh State University, 331 Lenin str., Osh, 714000, Kyrgyz Republic, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9360-7095, e-mail: abdimomunova9216@mail.ru
Satybaldieva Ayzirek Topchubaevna lecturer, International Medical Faculty, Osh State University, 331 Lenin str., Osh, 714000, Kyrgyz Republic, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1439-893x, e-mail: rahmanali040206@gmail.com
Zholdoshev Saparbay Tezekbaevich PhD in Medicine, associate professor, professor of the Department of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Osh State University, 331 Lenin str., Osh, 714000, Kyrgyz Republic, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3922-6659, e-mail: saparbai@mail.ru

The fact that mechanisms and ways of transmission of new coronavirus infection and tuberculosis are similar, increases the risk of pathogens spread and determines common preventive approaches. The work aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among patients and medical personnel in the anti-tuberculosis hospital during the pandemic. With antituberculosis hospital specifics taken into account, a set of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 has been developed and implemented including identifying and isolating sources of infection, air disinfection and adequate ventilation, surface disinfection, using personal protective equipment. The article describes the group COVID-19 morbidity of patients in an anti-tuberculosis hospital as a result of a patient’s bringing the infection in. The patient turned out to have an incubation period Timely measures made it possible to localize the situation and prevent infection prevalence. The set of measures for medical personnel protection showed its high effectiveness since there were no cases of illness among the personnel working in the «red zone». The absence of consistent COVID-19 spread among patients and personnel in the R.G. Bauer Jalal-Abad Regional Centre for Tuberculosis Control allows using the described experience of conducting preventive and anti-epidemic measures in medical organizations of this kind.


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According to the World Health Organization, as of November 30, 2020, 62,195,274 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were officially registered worldwide, 1,453,355 of which were fatal. The number of cases increases daily [1, 2]. In this regard, the interaction of COVID-19 with other pathogens of infectious diseases is particularly relevant, it determines significant changes in epidemiological patterns. The presence of such manifestations as acute respiratory distress syndrome and decreased immunological reactivity in the new coronavirus infection contributes to the epidemic spread of chronic infections, such as mycobacteriosis, including tuberculosis [3–6].

When the World Health Organization declared a pandemic caused by the new coronavirus infection in March 2020, the health system of the Kyrgyz Republic had a low level of readiness to protect its citizens. There was a shortage of beds and doctors, a lack of medicines, equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare providers.

From March to November 30, 2020, 72,807 cases of coronavirus infection were registered in the Kyrgyz Republic, 3,910 of them in healthcare providers. Besides, cases of COVID-19 began to be registered among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. The fact that mechanisms and ways of transmission of new coronavirus infection and tuberculosis are similar, increases the risk of pathogens spread and determines common preventive approaches [7].

The work aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among patients and medical personnel in the anti-tuberculosis hospital during the pandemic.

The material for the study was the medical records of patients undergoing inpatient treatment in the R.G. Bauer Jalal-Abad Regional Centre for Tuberculosis Control in Jalal-Abad, as well as documents confirming the organization and implementation of anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19 among patients and medical personnel.

Для Цитирования:
Temirov Nemat Moidunovich, Mamyrova Kanykey Kanybekovna, Abdimomunova Begimay Toktobolotovna, Satybaldieva Ayzirek Topchubaevna, Zholdoshev Saparbay Tezekbaevich, Effectiveness evaluation of COVID-19 preventive and anti-epidemic measures among patients and medical personnel in anti-tuberculosis hospital during the pandemic. Санитарный врач. 2021;2.
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